On July 9, 2018, pro-Islamic State Telegram accounts circulated a statement apparently on behalf of the hacking collective United Cyber Caliphate (UCC), which claimed that the group had hacked over 213 Thai, Philippine, Indonesian, and South Korean websites as part of an ongoing campaign to target East Asian countries. The authenticity of the statement could not be verified. The UCC has issued warnings in the past about fabricated statements that bore its name.
UCC's statement.
According to the statement, which was dated the 25 of Shawwal 1439 (corresponding to July 9, 2018), the cyber campaign began 21 days earlier, during which, it says, the "caliphate hackers" managed to compromise at least 213 websites, bring down around 530 websites via denial of service attacks, and hack over 700 social media accounts, most of which belonged to the "soldiers of apostasy and the Crusaders" of the targeted countries.
ISIS supporters also shared several links to some of the defaced websites (below).
Links to defaced websites.
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