On November 2, 2016, the United Cyber Caliphate (UCC) hacking group announced on its Telegram channel that it had launched two cyber attacks. One attack targeted the Telegram channel of Raqqa-based activist group "Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently" (RIBSS), which reports on crimes perpetrated by both the Assad Regime and ISIS.
UCC's announcement of the attack read: "Within one of our forays against the enemies of Allah, One of the UCC battalions which name is 'Al bara Ibn Malik' (May Allah be pleased with him) attacked a channel called 'Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently,' those malicious junta, may Allah put to shame them and curse them forever. And the result of this attack in the bounty of Allah is to close the channel, which was followed by thousands, and we said to them: Wa Allah, we will never let a trumpet [sic] to you except we will tear it up by the willing of Allah who is the Powerful, the Exalted in Might. And which coming is more disastrous and bitter."
RIBSS acknowedged on Twitter that their channel was taken down, however, the group claims that the pro-ISIS hacking group did not play a role. RIBSS tweeted, "Cyber Caliphate claims that they closed our Telegram channel after attack carried by one of their 'cyber battalions.' Our telegram chanel was closed today by Telegram due to reporters on the channel, so ISIS just make a report attack on our channel."
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