On February 17, 2023, a Telegram channel linked to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shared two posts claiming that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is seeking to recruit "agents," who are fluent in Chinese, Russian, and Farsi languages, arguing that such move comes to improve its "weak" intelligence.
It also argued that recruiting people with such skills has its vulnerability, suggesting that they could leak information to America's adversaries.
In a second post, the channel cited an August 2016 news report about a cyberattack that targeted the NSA website and leaked its codes. It also cited Nicholas Weaver, "a senior researcher at the International Computer Science Institute," as saying the hacking was not a breach and that it was designed to take over the routers and firewalls." The channel then suggested that the hacking was an internal operation that can happen again
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