On February 10, 2018, Bollywoodlife.com reported that the Twitter and Instagram accounts of Bollywood actor and producer Abhishek Bachchan had been hacked. The image above shows Bachchan's Instagram account after the hack and before Bachchan regained control of the account. It appears from the image that the Turkish hacking organization AyYıldız Tim ("MoonStar Team") hacked Bachchan's Instagram account. Bachchan's Instagram bio had been changed to read in Turkish: "MoonStar Team Special Operation Squad," and several images were posted to the account.
The first image was a photo showing Bachchan standing near Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The second image was a graphic showing a man wearing Ottoman armor in the foreground and the Ottoman coat of arms in the top left corner. In the background appeared the crescent and star, a symbol for Islam originating with the Ottoman Empire. The graphic also included writing in Turkish that read "MoonStar Team Web Graphic Design Squad," as well as the name Kerem Şah Noyan, who is listed on the homepage of AyYıldız Tim as the head of counterintelligence for the organization.[1] The third image posted to the hacked Instagram account was the Palestinian flag.
For more information on the Turkish hacking organization AyYıldız Tim, click here.
[1] Ayyildiz.org, Accessed February 13, 2018.