August 21, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11515

Articles In Egyptian Government Press: Israel And U.S. Are Manufacturers Of Terrorism Who Established ISIS And Similar Organizations

August 21, 2024
Egypt | Special Dispatch No. 11515

Recently, against the backdrop of the war in Gaza, several articles have been published in the Egyptian government press claiming that the U.S. and Israel are the ones who established the Islamist terrorist organizations Al-Qaeda, ISIS and others like them, and that these countries are responsible for instigating terrorism throughout the world. Writing in the government daily Al-Ahram, Egyptian journalist Sa'id Shalash stated that the failure of ISIS and other Islamist organizations to assist Gaza by targeting Israel is not surprising and in fact strengthens the suspicion that these organizations were created by and are operated by the U.S. and Israel. Journalist Muhammad Hassan al-Banna, a columnist for the government daily Akhbar al-Yawm, also wrote that the Jews and the Americans are the ones who produce terrorism and terrorists  worldwide, and warned them that the terrorist organizations will eventually turn against them.

It should be noted that the Egyptian government press is completely subordinate to Egyptian intelligence and that articles of this type are published under the direction of the Egyptian regime and Egyptian intelligence.

The following are translated excerpts from two of these articles:

Article In Al-Ahram: The U.S. And Israel Created ISIS And Organizations Like It, And That's Why These Organizations Refrain From Attacking Israel And Defending Gaza

In his column in the government daily Al-Ahram, Egyptian journalist Sa'id Shalash contended that ISIS and other terrorist organizations were created by the U.S. and Israel and therefore it comes as no surprise that they are not assisting Gaza in its war against Israel. He wrote: "When the barbaric Zionist-American-Western aggression against Gaza started, the scope of the slaughter, the devastation and the destruction, which have been ongoing for nine months, led some people to think that ISIS and other takfiri organizations[1] would carry out operations against the occupying entity [i.e. Israel] on its territory, and against its interests abroad, as an expression of support for Gaza, for Palestine and for Al-Aqsa – but that did not happen.

"I, for one, expected [them to refrain from acting], because I believe that these organizations are nothing but mechanisms established by the U.S. and the occupying entity. It is [Israel and the U.S.] that dictate their policy and supply them with funds for weapons, media and  religious rulings from sheikhs [who promote intra-Islamic] discord. That is why, instead of directing their attacks toward support for Gaza and Palestine, [these organizations] intensified their terrorist attacks against positions of the Syrian Arab Army and against the resistance factions that support it in the Syrian Desert and in the Al-Tanf area in northeastern Syria, where the American occupation forces are deployed – [forces] that train and arm these [terrorist] organizations and use them in their ongoing attacks against the Syrian armed forces in their attempt to divide Syria.

"In Iraq, which suffered in the past from a tyrannical American occupation, ISIS and [other] takfiri organizations worked energetically to kill and slaughter innocent Iraqi civilians, bomb markets, Shi'ite religious centers and hospitals and take women hostage. They kept harming our Shi'ite brothers while the Marines [in Iraq] destroyed, killed, imprisoned and wounded millions of Iraqis.

"What occurred in Iraq repeated itself in Syria, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia, and this is proof that [these terrorist organizations] are an American-Zionist product. A statement issued by ISIS in 2016, reflecting its position on Palestine, asserted that the Palestinian cause does not take precedence over the other jihadi causes, saying, 'If we look at the reality of the world today, we will find that it is completely ruled by polytheism and its laws, except for the regions where Allah made it possible for the Islamic State [i.e., ISIS] to establish the religion [of Islam]… Therefore, jihad in Palestine is equal to jihad elsewhere, without distinction.'"[2]

Egyptian Journalist: Al-Qaeda Is An American Product; The Jews And Americans Are The Manufacturers Of Terrorism

Muhammad Hassan Al-Banna, a columnist for the government daily Akhbar Al-Yawm, wrote in a similar vein: "Violence and terrorism are an American-Israeli product. History proves this, and so do the filthy roles they have played in various countries across the world… Even American movies are not free of the violence which is invented and written based on the innovations of the American and Israeli intelligence [agencies].

"Let us recall the three most prominent cases of violence in the modern era. [One was] the assassination of U.S. President John [F.] Kennedy on November 22, 1963. [Another was] the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., [carried out] using four commercial passenger planes flown by four teams from Al-Qaeda – which was created by the U.S. –  that were instructed to crash into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the Capitol and the White House. And last but not least is attempted assassination of presidential candidate Donald Trump…

"As for Israel, we can't overstate [the brutal character] of [Binyamin] Netanyahu's government of bloodshed that kills women, children and elders, destroys homes over people's heads, banishes over two million Palestinians from their lands to the desert and kills them with starvation and American weapons, ammunition and bombs.

"I say to the Jews and to the Americans: you create the terrorism and the terrorists, and they will  turn on you in the future. The shooting and the attempted assassination of Trump by a young American man may be a warning bell calling on them to wake up, come to their senses and accept the peace that Egypt is promoting. But the government of the extremist, blood-spilling Netanyahu is deceptive and continues its military attacks in order to kill the Palestinians and destroy their land. It disseminates false claims about weapon-smuggling [from Egypt] into Gaza to cover up its failure to liberate [the Israeli] hostages, or in order to achieve some kind of progress with its war objectives…"[3]


[1] The term takfir refers to Muslim individuals or groups that accuse other Muslims of heresy.

[2] Al-Ahram (Egypt), July 4, 2024. For more information about this ISIS statement, see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 6357 ISIS: Jihad In Palestine Does Not Take Precedence Over Jihad Elsewhere, March 22, 2016.

[3] Akhbar Al-Yawm (Egypt), July 14, 2024.

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