On January 27, 2025, Hyrbyair Marri, prominent Baloch leader and president of the Free Balochistan Movement, spoke at the Pashtun National Council (Jirga) in London. In his speech, Marri advocated for Baloch-Pashtun unity to resist the oppressive rule of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
"The event, organised by the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM), brought together leaders, activists, and intellectuals from the Baloch, Pashtun, and Sindhi nations, drawing attention to the shared struggles of these nations under the brutal occupation of Pakistan," reported the Baloch media outlet Balochwarna. Marri also called on the Baloch and Pashtun nations to reject the divisions created by the British-imposed Durand Line, which he described as a tool of imperialism meant to sow conflict between neighbouring nations.
Marri supports the independence of Balochistan from Pakistan and Iran. He promotes a free and democratic Balochistan, in which men and women will be treated equally and will be entitled to all rights, protections, and freedoms in all spheres of society.
(Source: Balochwarna.com)
Following is the text of Marri's speech:
"United, No Power Can Stop The Baloch And Pashtun Nations"
"Thank you for having me here.
"I understand the sufferings of Baloch and Pashtun under the occupation of Pakistan are countless and unending, but I want to speak of our unity, shared struggles and a common bond between the Baloch and Pashtun nations as together, we have resisted imperial domination in the past, and together we shall defeat the colonial oppressors.
(Source: Heaven Mail, daily newspaper from Kashmir, January 28, 2025)
"The Baloch and Afghan nations stood for each other during difficult times and thwarted the evil intentions of their enemies. The Baloch nation's refusal to allow the British to attack Afghanistan through Bolan Pass resulted in multiple retaliation attacks on Balochistan in 1839: such as on Kalat fort, where Mir Mehrab Khan, along with his companions, embraced martyrdom, and at Sarthaaf where the British were intercepted before they could attack the capital of Marri tribe, Kahan. Here, the Baloch were victorious. They wiped out a whole regiment of the colonisers and left only a few survivors.
"Let us revisit a moment in history that symbolizes the power of our unity. The treaty of Kalat, also known as the treaty of non-interference, was signed in 1758 between the Baloch and Afghan peoples. Under this treaty, both nations agreed NOT to interfere in each other's internal matters, strengthening the ties of brotherhood and solidarity.
"Baloch leader Naseer Khan Noon stood shoulder to shoulder with Afghan ruler Ahmed Shah Abdali in several decisive battles against Iran and other imperial powers in the region. This treaty was not just a political alliance-, it was a testament to our shared values. Such as:
"Loyalty – (to trust that we would not betray each other, in any circumstances). Respect – (to acknowledge each other as nations) Resistance – (to help one another against any oppressor) And freedom – (when all the above are fulfilled, real freedom will come).
"In a true sense of following that treaty and after centuries of understanding, we now have all of those, except the last. We have to work together to achieve real freedom. It is time we renew this spirit of unity. United, no power can stop the Baloch and Pashtun nations from reclaiming their freedom.
(Source: CIA)
(Source: Brighter Kashmir, daily newspaper from Kashmir)
"Pakistan's Oppressive Policies Are An Extension Of Colonial Domination"
"Our histories are deeply intertwined. We share similar cultural systems, unique cultural identities and a fierce commitment to freedom. The British colonization of the 19th century subjected both our peoples to brutal oppression. Afghanistan became a buffer zone in the Great Game between the British and Russian Empire, while Balochistan endured repeated invasions from the British, because of its strategic importance. Both nations fought with valour, delivering heavy blows to imperial forces long before Britain achieved its geopolitical ambitions.
"When the British finally left the region after World War II. they left behind a destructive legacy that continues to divide us. The Durand Line was drawn by the British to serve their imperial interests in the region, deliberately creating a flashpoint for conflict between Balochistan and Afghanistan.
"After the independence of Balochistan from Iran and Pakistan, the Baloch nation firmly will commit itself to resolving these artificial divisions with its neighbouring and brotherly Pashtun nation.
"Pakistan's oppressive policies are an extension of colonial domination. It wages war on Baloch and Pashtun nations alike, using enforced disappearances, torture and massacres to crush our quest for justice and freedom. The massacres of 1930 in Qissa Khwani Bazar AND Speen Thangai by the British, and in 1948 Barbra massacre by Pakistan, in Charsadda are tragic examples of state brutality that echo the British era's violence.
(Source: Meri Dilli Meri Shaan, weekly newspaper from Delhi, India)
"The Baloch and Pashtun have been used by other nations to protect their sovereignty and their borders. In the case of Pashtun: they are protecting the state of Pakistan and its borders.
"The Punjabis consider the Pashtuns as mere guards and caretakers of the pirated land that is Pakistan. Meanwhile, they see themselves as the real owners and decision makers.
"In 1948, the Pashtun tribes were the people who were sent to Kashmir to take over, while the Punjabis stood back and made the Pashtuns fight their war.
"In the case of the Baloch, we have been helping half a dozen Arab nations in protecting their state and borders since their inception. Serving in their armed forces and police forces, and all those agencies that protect them.
"In the war between Oman and Yemen in the 1960s, according to a Yemeni general, it wasn't Omani who won the war, it was the Baloch who won it for them. Although the Baloch have done so much for them, some of these Gulf states are repaying them by sending Baloch political activists to Pakistan, where they are never heard from again. Despite the Baloch repeatedly asking every nation not to invest in Balochistan while it is under Occupation, they are investing billions of dollars in Balochistan to appease the Punjabis. While being well aware that this will only intensify the Baloch genocide.
"In the 1980s, in the Iran-Iraq war, thousands upon thousands of Baloch youth were forced to fight the Iraqis. The Iranians placed keys around all the soldiers' necks and told them that were they to die, those were the keys to open the gates of heaven. It's the height of absurdity. You don't need keys to open the gates of heaven, you need good deeds.
"Let Us Renew Our Alliance"
"The Afghan government are not taking Punjabi dictation, and this angers the Punjabi elites. So, to pressurise the Afghan Government, they have come up with a plan to deport millions of Afghan citizens, most of whom are Pashtuns.
"We, the Baloch have been racially profiled since our lands were occupied and now, they are doing the same to Pashtun's. All the way from Karachi to Islamabad they are stopping them and checking their papers before bundling them up and sending them to the border. They see it as a pressure tactic. I see it as ruining millions of livelihoods. These people have been living there for generations This kind of treatment from the Punjabis is an affront to the Baloch and Pashtun.
"History teaches that unity is the path to freedom. Just as Naseer Khan Noon and Ahmed Shah Abdali stood together against powerful enemies, we must stand united today The bond between the Baloch and Pashtun is not a threat. It is a promise of stabilisation of the region The occupying state fears our solidarity because it knows we are stronger together.
"Let us reclaim the spirit of the treaty of Kalat. Let us renew our alliance and reject the divisions imposed by imperialism. We are not just Neighbours. We are brothers in struggle and destiny.
"Baloch and Pashtun have no future in a Punjabi colonial state – Pakistan – which has leeched our lands and is sucking it dry.
"Together, we will break the chains of occupation and build a future rooted in justice, sovereignty, and peace.
"Our unity is a force of history, and our freedom is inevitable.
"Long Live Baloch Pashtun Harmony."
*Hyrbyair Marri, the head of the political platform called the Free Balochistan Movement. Follow Mr. Marri's activities on his X account, @hyrbyair_marri.