September 2, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11530

British Islamic Scholar Haitham Al-Haddad Interviewed By BBC As 'Highly Respected Imam' Has History Of Antisemitic, Anti-Democracy, And Pro-Terror Statements, Including Praising October 7th Attacks – Clips From The MEMRI TV Archive

September 2, 2024
Special Dispatch No. 11530

British Islamic scholar and television presenter Haitham Al-Haddad, who said in a London sermon that far right riots in the UK are part of a Zionist agenda, was recently interviewed on BBC Radio London, where he was introduced as a "highly respected imam."[1] Al-Haddad's history of extremist and antisemitic statements was not mentioned.

Delivering a sermon at Greenwich Islamic Centre earlier this month, Al-Haddad said: "Some of them [rioters] have an agenda and some of them have - maybe that agenda is connected to Zionism at large. Yes, we know this. And we know that some of them may want to divert the attention of the Government from condemning what the Zionist-state Israel is doing and they want to stop arming Israel, so they want to attract the attention or divert the attention of the Government."[2]

In a Facebook post on October 7, 2023, Al-Haddad celebrated the Hamas-led attack on Israeli civilians which killed 1,200, writing: "O Allah, support the people of truth in Gaza, Al-Quds and Palestine – they have managed to cause confusion to the enemy's calculations with a new tactic. Grant them victory and aid them against their oppressors in their struggle for Justice and Truth."[3]

The following are MEMRI TV clips of Haitham Al-Haddad's past statements, in which he criticizes democracy and emphasizes the role of Muslims in shaping the future of Europe and introducing it to Islam.

British Islamic Scholar And Jurist Haitham Al-Haddad On Muslims In The West: When You Look Outside You Would Think You Are In A Second Afghanistan, But You Are In 'Londonistan'; You Are Not A Subjugated Minority – You Are The Leaders Of Humanity – February 2024

Haitham al-Haddad, a British Islamic scholar and jurist, the chair of the Fatwa Committee for the Islamic Council of Europe, said in a panel discussing "Muslims in the West" that the situation of Muslims in the U.K. and in the West is a lot better than it was 20 years ago. He said that if you go outside, you would think you were in a "second Afghanistan," but it is in fact "Londonistan." Al-Haddad said that Muslims in the West should not consider themselves a "subjected minority," because they are the "leaders of humanity."

The panel was part of the "Anchored by Quran" conference organized by the Michigan-based Miftaah Institute in Manchester and London during August 2023 and it was uploaded to the Miftah Institute YouTube channel on September 26. Two American Islamic scholars also participated in the panel, Yasser Qadhi, the dean of The Islamic Seminary of America and resident scholar at the Texas East Plano Islamic Center and Abdullah Waheed, co-founder and dean of the Miftaah Institute and Director of Islamic Affairs at Flint Islamic Center in Michigan.

To view the clip, click below:

Haitham Al-Haddad: "This brother was telling me: 'Sheikh, I don't see now that our situation is better than before.' I said: 'No, our situation in the UK in particular and in the West in general, is far better than our situation ten years ago.' I said to him: 'Look at the number of Quran memorizers now. Look at the number of mosques. Look at the number of Islamic institutions. Look now, who [would have] imagined that we [would] have Islam Channel, Eman Channel, Iqra TV, all in the U.K.

"This was not there 20 years ago, by the grace of Allah. Look at, mashallah… Our brothers and sisters, if you go outside you think that you are in a second Afghanistan, but you are in Londonistan. So it is really amazing, overwhelming. Don't ever, my brothers and sisters, look at yourselves as a subjugated minority. We are the leaders of humanity. We should look at ourselves as we have something to offer."


British Islamic Scholar Sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad On The Killing Of George Floyd: Democracy Is Not Working; We Should Merge Democracy And Islam; Submission To Allah Prevents Abuse Of Power – June 2020

On June 4, 2020, British Islamic scholar Sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad uploaded a video to the Islam21c YouTube channel in which he discussed the killing of George Floyd. He said that democracy is being abused by powerful people, that his idea for "post-democracy" is a merge between democracy and Islam, and that the only solution for abuse of power is submission to Allah. Al-Haddad, who is of Palestinian origin, sits on the boards of advisors for Islamic organizations in the UK.

To view the clip, click below:

Sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad: "The killing of George Floyd has raised so many debates and questions.


"When human beings feel that they are powerful, then they will abuse this power, unless they feel that there is another power - or superpower – above them to keep them in awe.


"Democracy is abused by the powerful people within the democratic setup and they are controlling democracy through media, through finance, and through some other influential positions. So democracy is not really working. What we as Muslims believe, what I suggest, is that any power that exists - whether it is political power, financial power, economical power, et cetera - it has to surrender and submit to the superpower, who is Allah.


"I also recommend that we have a kind of merge between democracy and Islam. This should be the post-democracy idea.


"There is no solution for the abuse of power except to surrender yourself to the real superpower – Allah."


U.K.-based Islamic Scholar Haitham Al-Haddad Speaking In Norway: We Want To Bring Light To Europe So Europeans Decide That They Want Islam – May 2017

London-based Islamic scholar Haitham Al-Haddad, originally from Saudi Arabia, gave an address in Norway in which he talked about the alienation that many young people feel toward the European country in which they live and said that this was what led to the appeal of ISIS. "Taking over Europe is a negative statement," implying military force, he said, "but what we want is to bring light to all Europeans, so Europeans themselves decide that they want Islam." Al-Haddad further said that "Western values should include Islamic values, because Islam is part and parcel of Europe." He called for more young Muslims to become lawyers, politicians, and journalists, exhorting them not to "sit passive." "Islam has spread in many countries without shedding a drop of blood," he said. His address was posted on the YouTube channel of Islam Net Videos on May 5, 2017.

To view the clip, click below:

Haitham Al-Haddad: "So we should accept it: We are Europeans! We should accept that. We are Europeans."


"Many [Muslim youth] live in this country, as Norwegians, they don't feel that they are Norwegians. They don't feel that they have a responsibility towards this country. They don't feel that they are Europeans. They don't feel that they have a responsibility towards Europe. That's why, my dear brothers and sisters, – and many of you are young – what happens? On the other side, ISIS is there. They are very active on social media, and they are very active in grooming you. They will tell you 'Yes, leave this infidel country. Leave them. Come to us. We built the Islamic State. We built the Islamic Caliphate. You don't belong to them. You belong to us. Come to us. You can't implement Islam [in the West], and we have implemented shari'a here. That country is not your country.


"Every day they see that the media is attacking them. The politicians are attacking them. Their religion is being demonized. Their religion is being attacked: Do you believe in shari'a? Do you believe that homosexuality is forbidden? Do you believe in the Islamic Caliphate? Do you believe in the role of women? Do you believe in this or that? Then after some time, what will happen to the young zealous practicing Muslim, whether male or female? He will say 'Look, at the end of the day, this is not my country.' He will start having a problem with the sense of belonging: Who am I? Where do I belong to? As a result of this, when he is being groomed by ISIS and the likes of ISIS, when they tell him: 'You belong to us' – he will easily join them.


 "Many young Muslims – by Allah, I am sure – are not convinced that ISIS is the solution, but out of frustration, they see it as the savior. They see it as the solution.


"We are the bearers of the light to the entire Mankind. By Allah, we will not bring light to the entire Mankind unless we feel that we are in charge of the people that we live among. We have a responsibility towards them. That responsibility is to bring light to them, light to the individuals, and light to the system as well. That is why... why do we shy away when we are asked: Do you want to change the laws to become Muslim-friendly laws? We say: 'No, no, no. We don't want to do that.' Otherwise, we will be seen as if we want to take over Europe. Taking over Europe is a negative statement – as if you are going to bring your military forces to take over Europe. No, no, no. We don't want this, and this doesn't even work. But what we want is to bring light to all Europeans, so Europeans themselves decide that they want Islam, that they want Islamic values, that they want Islamic laws.


"I should not accept the notion of Western values. I should say that Western values should include Islamic values, because Islam is part and parcel of Europe. Full stop.


"Whenever we are challenged with something – 'You Muslims believe in this' – [we say] 'No, no, no. I don't believe in that.' 'You Muslims do this.' 'You Muslims want to take over.' 'You Muslims want to Islamize Europe.' 'You Muslims become Islamists.' 'You Muslims... ' We should say: 'Listen, you don't impose your values on me, and I don't impose my values on you. All of us are partners in this continent.'


"We are citizens, and we are not guests.


"We want more young people to study law. We want more young people to study law, because if we do not know the law, we will get no rights. We want more young people to be involved in politics. We want more people to be involved in journalism. Don't sit passive. My dear brothers and sisters, Islam has spread all over the world. Islam has spread in many countries without shedding a drop of blood."


[1], August 17, 2024.

[2], August 17, 2024.

[3], August 17, 2024.


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