July 22, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11462

Bronx Friday Sermon: Christians Cannot Fill Their Churches With 'Regular People', So They Are Letting Homosexuals In; They Have Reason To Be Jealous Of Us; Muslims Are The Best Of Nations, The New Chosen People – That's Why The Jews Want To Kill Us; Do Not Fall Victim To Zionist Plans; Hollywood, Music, Disney Are Zionist And Satanic

July 22, 2024
United States | Special Dispatch No. 11462

In a July 12, 2024 Friday sermon at the MAS Bronx Muslim Center, the imam said that the Christians and Jews were jealous of the Muslims. He said that the Christians can't fill their churches with "regular people" anymore, so they have decided to "adapt the Bible to today's society," and they are allowing LGBT people in. He continued to say that Allah has removed His mercy from the Jews and that He has chosen the Muslims as "the best of nations," and this is why the Jews want to kill the Muslims. He added that the Jews can't stand this, they can't digest it, and that this gives them acid reflux. The Imam further asked whether the Muslims are deserving of this jealousy. He warned the congregants against "falling" for the Zionist games and traps by listening to music produced by Zionist production companies and watching "Zionist films" made by "their Zionist Hollywood." The MAS Bronx Muslim Center is part of Muslim American Society (MAS) New York branch. The sermon was streamed live on Bronx Muslim Center on Facebook, and the identity of the imam was not provided.

To view the clip of the Bronx, New York sermon, click here or below:

Christians Cannot Fill Their Churches With 'Regular People', So They Are Letting Homosexuals In

Imam: "The church can't even pack it in on a Sunday. They can't even get people together on a Sunday. They are losing their congregation and their flock, so much that they had to open the doors for the LGBT. We've seen it, I have spoken to the father, I have spoken to them myself.

"Why? [They say:] 'Oh, we have to adapt the Bible to today's society.' Because your congregation is leaving, you would rather get the homosexuals inside of your churches because the regular people ain't coming, so you have to fill them in with them.

Muslims Are The Best Of Nations, That's Why The Jews Want To Kill Us; They Are Jealous That Allah Has Chosen A New Nation That Is Better Than Them

"My brothers and sisters, they have reasons to be jealous of us. They have reasons. We give them reasons to be jealous. We are the best of nations, those Jews ain't it anymore. They're not it anymore, they wish it was them, But Allah has taken all the mercy away from them. That is why they can't see right from right and wrong from wrong. They can't see that slaughtering innocent children, men, and women is wrong. [They say:] 'No, no, no, no. It's not. We're looking for the terrorists.' Meanwhile they are the terrorists. May Allah destroy our enemies.


"These chosen people of God, there is nothing chosen about them at all. Allah has removed any mercy he had upon them, my brothers and sisters. It is us, we are the [chosen] nation, and that is the reason they want to kill us. That is the reason they don't like us, they are jealous of us, that Allah has chosen a new nation that is better than them.


"How many messengers [were] they sent? But you know they belied them, they murdered them, they oppressed them, they harmed them. Imagine! So Allah sends the best of nations, the nation of Muhammad, and they can't stand it. They can't stand it, they can't digest it, it gives them acid reflux. They can't stand it that the Muslims are the chosen people now, they can't stand that thought. But are we giving them a reason, are we actually upholding the Quran and the Sunnah?

Are We Falling Victim To Zionist Plans By Listening To Their Zionist Music, Watching Zionist Films By Zionist Hollywood? Do You Take Your Children To Disney? Forget The Zionism Part Of It, What About The Satanic Part?

"Are we, or are we falling into their Zionist games, listening to their Zionist music, [produced] by their Zionist production companies, by their Zionist films, by their Zionist Hollywood, are we falling victim to their plans?

"Because that is what they are? All these musicians of yours have contracts with these Zionists, it's true, they do. These Warner Brothers houses, and all these Universal Studios, it is all Zionist owned. My dear brothers and sisters, are we falling in the same trap, or are your children saying: 'Mom and Dad, let's go to Disney?' Are you going to take them to Disney? Forget the Zionism part of it, what about the Satanic part?


"Let me ask Allah to allow us to help the process of freeing Palestine, because by Allah, we know it will be happening."

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