January 26, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11098

Columbia University Professor Joseph Massad On Al-Jazeera TV: The U.S. Was, And Still Is, A Settler Colonialist Country; America Supports Israel Because It Reminds It Of Its White Supremacist Past

January 26, 2024
Qatar, United States | Special Dispatch No. 11098

Columbia University professor of Modern Arab politics and intellectual history Joseph Massad said in a January 21, 2024 interview with Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) that America’s role in Israel’s wars is similar to the role it played in support of the racist regimes in South Africa, Rhodesia, and even the Portuguese colonies in Angola, Mozambique, and Namibia. He said thar the United States is a settler colonialist country and that Israel reminds America of its past.

To view the clip of Columbia University Professor Joseph Massad, click here or below:

"[The U.S.] Has An Ideological Investment In European Settler Colonialism, Which Calls For European Ethnicity And Cultural Racial Superiority"

Joseph Massad: "I do not see much difference between the American role in Israel's wars, and its support of Israel and its racist regime, which calls for the supremacy of the Jewish race, and its support in the past for the South African regime, the Rhodesian regime, or even the oppressive and racist regimes that ruled the Portuguese colonies in Angola, Mozambique, and even Namibia. The [American] role is one and the same.


"There is also an ideological investment in European settler colonialism, which calls for European ethnicity and cultural racial superiority.


"The U.S. Was – And Still Is – A Settler Colony That Sanctifies White Supremacy Over The Rest Of The People"

"Therefore, the American position is a geostrategic and ideological position, stemming from the fact that historically, the U.S. was - and still is – a settler colony, that sanctifies white supremacy over the rest of the people. Therefore, there is a kind of fusion between the U.S. and Israel. Israel reminds it of how things were in the United States in the past."

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