In its cover story written by a Western jihadi, the latest issue of English-language jihadi magazine Azan, which is published by the Taliban in Khurasan (the Afghanistan-Pakistan region), urges Muslim youth in Western countries to launch attacks on their homelands in order to cause economic damage and force them to change their foreign policies towards the Islamic world. On the cover page of the magazine, a gunman is shown facing the White House. The cover story, "To The Jihadis In The West," is written by Abu Salamah Al-Muhajir, who identifies himself as born and raised in the West but doesn't disclose his country of origin. The latest issue of Azan, the fourth since it began publishing early this year, was released through a jihadi website. Like the previous issues, it provides an encryption-base key to potential jihadis to contact them. In his article, Abu Salamah Al-Muhajir not only urges Western youth to launch attacks in the West but also offers an array of arguments, quoting the Koran and Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), to justify the rationale behind jihad and to urge the youth to migrate for the jihadi battlefields across the world. The article discusses a range of conditions in which Muslims are required to leave their parents, wife, children, homes, and colleges to join jihad and attain martyrdom. ...
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