October 11, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11612

At Dearborn, Michigan Rally In Front Of Police Headquarters, Crowd Holds Placards Showing Hizbullah Leader Nasrallah's Famous Hand Gesture And Quote From His Speech In Lebanon – Where, As The Crowd Chanted 'Death To America,' He Mocked And Threatened U.S. Troops In The Middle East, Saying They Will Return Home 'Horizontally' In Coffins

October 11, 2024
Lebanon, United States | Special Dispatch No. 11612

At an October 2, 2024 rally titled "Stand with Lebanon", held in front of the Dearborn, Michigan police department, a protester carried a sign depicting Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah's hand and the words "You will be return horizontaly [sic]". The sign refers to a mocking speech in Lebanon several years ago by Nasrallah in which he warned that "American soldiers and officers" in the Middle East will return home "in a horizonal position" and in "coffins."

The placard carried at the rally in Dearborn echoed Nasrallah's words and the distinctive hand gesture he made during his famous speech in Lebanon, in which he stated: "The U.S. bases, the U.S. warships, every American soldier and officer in our region, our countries, and our lands... The American military killed them and it will be the one to pay the price. That is the equation. [...] I am telling you that the Americans will leave our region humiliated, defeated, terrorized, and horrified, just as they had left before. The martyrdom-seekers who drove America out of our region in the past are still here and they are many more than they were in the past. [...] When the coffins of the American soldiers and officers – people who came here in vertical position and return in horizontal position – start arriving in the United States, Trump and his administration will understand that they have lost the region and will lose the elections as well."

Nasrallah's famous speech was met with chants of "Death to America!"

Rally Was Covered By Hizbullah-Affiliated Outlet Al-Mayadeen, Which Is Said To Be Staffed By 'Terror Representatives Posing As Journalists'

A microphone at the Dearborn rally bore the logo of the Hizbullah-affiliated outlet Al-Mayadeen News, which was banned in Israel and is said to employ "terrorist representatives posing as journalists" and broadcasting misinformation.

The logo of Hizbullah-affiliated Al Mayadeen News on a microphone at the Dearborn, Michigan rally.

To view footage of the rally and Nasrallah's speech, click below:

Notably, an at an earlier rally held in Dearborn on September 25, 2024, protesters cheered for Hizbullah and its leader Nasrallah (who was killed two days later, on September 27) as well as for Lebanese Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri. Some participants shouted "Death to Israel!" while Osama Siblani, community leader and editor-in-chief of The Arab American News, who emceed the event, said that Hizbullah has begun to invade the Galilee. This was met with cheers from the crowd. He went on to say that Israeli PM Netanyahu wants to bring Israeli citizens back to their homes in the north of Israel, but that he has one thing to say to him: "Go back to Poland!"

Dearborn community leader Osama Siblani speaks at September 25 event.

Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, speaking at the same event, stated that the people of Dearborn want the values which they are advocating for in the city to extend across the entire globe. Siblani closed the rally with the statement: "Greetings to the resistance, from Dearborn, Michigan!" Other speakers at the event were Wayne County commissioner Sam Baydoun and Dr. Baqir Berry, the imam of the Islamic Institute of Knowledge. In a Friday sermon in April, Berry had said that the Jews need to be re-educated and that the Zionists are barbaric savages.

The rally was streamed live on Dearborn in Arabic on Facebook two days before Nasrallah was assassinated.  

Dearborn community leader Osama Siblani tells protesters on September 25 that Hizbullah "will take care of the job" as they chant "Death to Israel!" He added: "We are going to win here and there."

For more about the September 25 event in Dearborn, click here or below:

Appendix: Photos From The October 2 'Stand With Lebanon' Rally In Dearborn Attended By Prominent Imams, Community Figures, Judge Sam Salamey, Dearborn Police

Source:, October 3, 2024.

Imam Ali Elahi (top) and Chief Judge Sam Salamey of the 19th District Court in Dearborn (see also MEMRI TV clip 11440 Dearborn, Michigan Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi Cites Quranic Verses Describing The Treachery Of The Jews, Adds: These Are The Zionists Humanity Is Dealing With Now – They Killed Their Own Prophets, Were Cursed By King David And Jesus For Disobeying And Transgressing; America Is Run By AIPAC, Funding Israel’s Terrorism With Taxpayer Money, While Biden Appears To Be Sleeping; MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11585 Chief Judge Of The 19th District Court In Dearborn, Michigan, Sam Salamey: Time Will Reveal That The Pager Attack On Hizbullah Was Planned By The CIA, NATO; Israel Only Executed The Plan; The U.S. Already Designated Hizbullah A Terror Organization; These Martyrs Were Wanted By The U.S.; The 'Junta' Ruling The U.S. Violates The Law And Constitution By Persecuting Pro-Palestine Campus Proteste

Dearborn activist Amer Zahr (see also MEMRI TV Clip 11404 Dearborn Activist Amer Zahr's Debut Show On Qatari TV Centers On MEMRI Executive Director Steven Stalinsky's Wall Street Journal Op-Ed 'Welcome To Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital'; Zahr Says: MEMRI Is The Middle East 'Racist' Institute, Stalinsky Is Bothered That Arabs Acted As Though America Is A Free Country; Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud: We Love Shawarma, But That Is The Extent Of It... Our Stance On The Election Is Changing Day-To-Day, Gaza And Palestine Are Our Priority)



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