Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian singer Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim, which aired on Egyptian TV on May 3, 2009. 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rahim first made headlines with his pre-9/11 hit, "I Hate Israel, I Love Amr Moussa." He followed up with an album featuring the song "Hey People, It Was Only a Tower and I Swear by God that They [the U.S.] Are the Ones Who Pulled it Down." [1]
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"If You Come Across a Pig or a Sow, You Need to Quickly Get the Hell Out Of There"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim sings: ""We have yet another disaster - the situation is dangerous. That's all we needed - swine flu.
"That's all we needed - swine flu. Swine flu.
"It's an illness that threatens humanity, I'm warning you. It's spread to two countries already - America and Mexico.
"It's spread to two countries already - America and Mexico. America and Mexico.
"The flu has spread and become a dangerous disease. It's not just birds anymore - it's pigs as well.
"It's not just birds anymore - it's pigs as well. It's pigs as well.
"If you come across a pig or a sow, you need to quickly get the hell out of there.
"You need to quickly get the hell out of there.
"In every port and airport, we need to write in large letters: "You're not allowed to enter Egypt if you have a pig with you.
"You're not allowed to enter Egypt and bring a pig with you.
"Pigs, birds, and who knows what else - people are getting depressed. May Allah protect us from cats and dogs too.
"May Allah protect us from cats and dogs too. From cats and dogs too.
"I tell you loud and clear, we don't want to be quiet - it's a shame people are dying because of pigs and chickens.
"It's a shame people are dying because of pigs and chickens.
"So what if some pigs die? It's better than wearing masks over our mouths and noses.
"It's better than wearing masks over our mouths and noses.
"We closed down many farms and killed many birds. Now we want the go-ahead to kill all the pigs.
"Now we want the go-ahead to kill all the pigs.
"If we let the pigs live, we will sacrifice many people. It's better for people to be healthy - to hell with the pigs.
"It's better for people to be healthy - to hell with the pigs.
"I hope they kill them, so people can feel safe, without political intervention and without strikes.
"Without police intervention and without strikes.
"We have yet another disaster - the situation is dangerous. That's all we needed - swine flu.
"That's all we needed - swine flu. Swine flu.
"That's it!" [...]
"I Didn't Even Know About This Influenza Until Salam Khalil Called Me and Said: We Want to Record a Song About Influenza Quickly"
Interviewer: "Welcome, Sha'bula."
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Good morning. No kissing!"
Interviewer: "Kissing is out of the question. You're always ready [with a new song]. As soon as the crisis begins... Sha'ban, you're always ready. Is your suit off the rack or tailor-made?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "It's tailor-made."
Interviewer: "It's all tailor-made?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Yes."
Interviewer: "Before the show, my kids told me to ask you who your tailor is."
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "I will take them to him. He was here just now, bringing me this suit."
Interviewer: "So this is the first time you are presenting this song."
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "It's brand new."
Interviewer: "You are really brave. Are you afraid of the pigs?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "I was worried when I heard about it and realized what was going on."
Interviewer: "So you were singing about it even before you were afraid?
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "I didn't even know about this influenza until Salam Khalil called me and said: We want to record a song about influenza quickly. I said to him: Why on earth influenza? And what have pigs got to do with it? He said: The world is in uproar, America and..."
Interviewer: You don't watch the news and all that?
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "That's the only thing I missed."
Interviewer: "The only thing? So you follow the news?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Yes, I follow things."
Interviewer: "You have a record of singing about political issues."
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "I began to notice that the world was in an uproar and..."
Interviewer: "Did you make any decisions about your own life - no kissing, no shaking hands, no going to public places?
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Kissing is out of the question."
Interviewer: "Even between men and women?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Only between men, I think... If it were forbidden to kiss women, men wouldn't know what to do."
Interviewer: "You can't live without women?
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "When I meet a woman I know, we blow kisses from a distance."
Interviewer: "But you meet a lot of people, you're an outgoing guy, people love you..."
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Now I only blow them kisses."
Interviewer: "In your song, you call to kill the pigs."
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "That's right."
Interviewer: "You're in favor of killing them, and worried about cats and dogs."
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Because cats and dogs are the only animals who enter the home."
Interviewer: "They should remain outside, but you have dogs in your home?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Yes, and cats too. They all go inside."
Interviewer: "Cats enter your home?
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Not only mine. Cats go into every home. Whenever you cook fish, you see the cats come into the kitchen."
"I Would [Kill My Dogs], If [Having Them] Was Harmful to People... Besides, There's Talk About Compensation"
Interviewer: "You like dogs very much?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "I'm crazy about them."
Interviewer: "You have two dogs
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Yes. I had five dogs a month ago, but now, only two are left."
Interviewer: "What kind of dogs do you have?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "One is an English dog, and the other is a Black Jack."
Interviewer: "Well done, you know their breeds."
"If we were told that the flu had infected dogs and they all should be killed, would you kill your dogs?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "I would, if it was harmful to people."
Interviewer: "Would you be sad?"
Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim: "Of course I would, and besides, there's talk about compensation. If they pay me for the dogs - no problem, they can kill them for all I care."
[1] For more on Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim, see MEMRI TV Clip No. 1073, "Egyptian Performer Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim Sings against Denmark and the Avian Flu, and Talks about His Life and Convictions," March 1, 2006,, and MEMRI TV Clip No. 789, "Sha'ban Abd Al-Rahim's Song 'Oh, Mr. Arab'" March 15, 2007, ; also see MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 647, "Popular Egyptian Singer's New Song: "'Hey People It was Only a Tower and I Swear by God that They [the U.S.] are the Ones Who Pulled It Down," January 21, 2004, Popular Egyptian Singer's New Song: 'Hey People It was Only a Tower and I Swear by God that They [the U.S.] are the Ones Who Pulled It Down' .