As our 2016 Summer Campaign draws to a close, we would like to be sure that you are included. If you have not already made your donation to MEMRI this summer, please consider doing so today. If you have, thank you very much.
MEMRI is able to sustain its vital work only because of generous donors like you who recognize our impact. Even if you are a long-time MEMRI reader, you may not realize how many resources, and how much labor, goes into the MEMRI research and analysis you read daily and the MEMRI TV clips you view free of charge.
Every day, MEMRI receives requests from governments, legislatures, militaries, and intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and across the West for our research. No other organization does the work that we do, monitoring, translating, and analyzing the latest developments in the Middle East and the Arab and Muslim world, including jihadi activity on the ground and online. Throughout its nearly two decades, MEMRI research has provided crucial assistance to Western leaders and legislators for shaping policies and legislation and to helping media, academia, and the general public understand the challenges the West faces from the Middle East, South Asia and, now, Russia - from the spread of jihadism and extremism to regional power struggles to political unrest to the fight for human, women's, and minority rights.
Please renew your support today and help make our Summer Campaign a success. MEMRI is a 501(c)(3) organization - your donation is fully tax deductible.
When donating online, consider making it a recurring monthly donation; this helps us keep costs down and plan for the future. Or you may mail a check to: MEMRI, P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837.
With deepest gratitude,