September 24, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11581

Hizbullah Foreign Relations Chief Claims Hizbullah Fights Against Whole World Including 'The West,' Taught Israel 'A Lesson It Will Never Forget'

September 24, 2024
Lebanon | Special Dispatch No. 11581

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

On September 23, 2024, Al-Ahed News, Lebanese Hizbullah's official media outlet, published a speech by Khalil Rizk, the chief of Hizbullah's foreign relations department, at a ceremony held for two Hizbullah "martyrs"—Abbas Bilal Muna'im, who was killed on September 17, and Ja'afar Ahmed Al-Hussein, killed on September 19, both in Lebanon.[1]

In his speech, Rizk declared that Hizbullah's battle is not only against "an enemy called Israel," but that "The Islamic Resistance" fights against the whole world including "the west with all its weapons, equipment and technology, America and Israel." He added that "our fight today is a big and huge battle, and it is natural that it will have outcomes," asserting that what is most important is that these outcomes lead to a "great victory."

The Hizbullah official claimed that while Israel managed to defeat the Arab armies during earlier wars, during the two Lebanon-Israel wars in 2000 and 2006, Israel was defeated by "a few mujahideen who put their trust in Allah," just as the mujahideen will defeat Israel today.

Rizk concluded that "The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, today, responded to the enemy and taught it a lesson it will never forget. Hundreds and thousands of missiles fell on this entity, there are hundreds of thousands of displaced people in this entity, and this is a victory. The Resistance's response was ready and violent, even if the enemy hid all its losses."

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