September 2, 2009 Special Announcements No. 18

Iranian Government TV Threats and Propaganda Campaign Against the U.S.

September 2, 2009
Special Announcements No. 18

Tomorrow, March 2, 2005, The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) will be holding a briefing on Capitol Hill sponsored by Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA). The briefing will focus on threats made by Iran against the U.S., including calls for terrorist attacks on American soil. Previously unreleased clips will be shown, along with the following clips, which can be viewed at

The following are some of the clips from the MEMRI TV Monitor Project ( which will be shown at the Capitol Hill event:

Part 1 - Propaganda Campaign

Clip No. 551 - Footage from the 26th Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution Demonstrations

Clip No. 350 - "The World Without America" - Anti-American Music Video

Clip No. 305 - Anti-America Clip on Iranian TV

Clip No. 293 - Iranian TV Compares President Bush to "Mr. Hitler"

Clip No. 279 - Iranian TV: 9/11, Pearl Harbor Planned by U.S.

Clip No. 221 - "Satan" – Anti-American Iranian Music Video

Clip No. 199 – "The Scheme of Thais" - Anti-American Music Video

Part 2 - Political, Military, and Religious

Clip No. 212 - Iranian Minister of Defense Ali Shamkhani on Possible Iranian Preemptive Strike

Clip No. 140 - Iranian Leader Khamenei: If Someone Harms Our People... We Will Endanger His Interests Anywhere in the World

Clip No. 291 - Ayatollah Muhammad Amammi–Kashani Delivers Friday Sermon at Tehran University: Death to America

Clip No. 528 - Commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guards General Safavy: U.S. Forces in Falluja Took and Sold Dead Iraqis' Organs

Clip No. 430 - Iranian Vice President: Nobody in Iran Thinks of Giving up Uranium Enrichment

Clip No. 507 - Iranian Intelligence Minister Yunesi: The Americans Are Stupid but Not Stupid Enough to Enter Iran

Clip No. 252 - Head of the Center of External Security Doctrinal Analysis of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Hassan Abassi: We Plan to Target U.S. Nuclear Warheads on U.S. Soil

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