August 6, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11486

Iranian Regime Mouthpiece 'Kayhan' Sketches Out Targets For Retaliation Against Israel, U.S. For Assassination Of Hamas Leader Haniyeh In Tehran

August 6, 2024
Iran, Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 11486

An August 8, 2024 article in the Iranian regime mouthpiece Kayhan, "A Special Integrated 360-Degree Operation," with the byline of the newspaper's board of directors member Mohammad Imani,[1] sketched out scenarios of Iranian retaliation against Israel. The retaliation is to be in response for the assassination of Hamas Political Bureau chief Isma'il Haniyeh on July 31 in Tehran, in an IRGC guest house, hours after he attended the inauguration ceremony of Iran's new president Masoud Pezeshkian.

The Kayhan article explained that Iran's vengeance would be "varied, integrated, and painful," and that this time the attacks would come from all sides of Israel in order to create a 360-degree sense of threat. In this context, it also underlined that the Hizbullah and Houthi drones had entered Israeli territory and successfully filmed Israeli streets, buildings, and military sites, despite Israeli air defense system's high alert level, citing this as proof of the capabilities of Iran and its proxies.

The article pointed out that Iran's missiles and drones had passed accuracy and range tests with flying colors, and that this time the attacks would reach deep into strategic areas in cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa, with a focus primarily on "residences of several senior officials accused of recent crimes." It added that one target would be Israeli ships en route from the Indian Ocean to the Middle East, with the aim of sinking them and causing heavy losses and damaging Israel's economy.

After first mentioning the assassination attempt against former U.S. President Donald Trump, the article claimed that the U.S. could not stay outside the area of risk because of its support for Israel's operations, and added that American forces and military bases would also be targeted in Iran's retaliatory operations. It should be recalled that a missile launched by the Iranian proxy in Yemen, the Houthis, struck near the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv on July 19, killing an Israeli civilian.

It should also be noted that in recent days, IRGC-affiliated social media accounts are posting cartoons and images depicting missiles launched at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (see Appendix).

The following is a translation of the main points of the August 3, 2024 article:

"A Special Integrated 360-Degree Operation"

"Terror operations are as destructive as they are easy. The closest example [of this] is the assassination [attempt] against [former U.S. President] Donald Trump, which did not involve any foreign service and happened despite the strictest of security envelopes. The shot by a young American in Pennsylvania could have removed the former (and possibly future) president of the U.S. from power. The most important issue [for Iran] in the elimination of the martyr [Isma'il] Haniyeh is identifying and closing the security exploits, and, even more importantly, inflicting painful and distressing blows against the elements involved in the assassination, deep in their territory.

"How will Iran punish the Israeli regime? Speculation is running wild and it is confusing for the Zionist observer. At this time, the question is no longer whether Iranian (and Hizbullah and Houthi and Iraqi and Syrian Shi'ite militias') missiles and drones can circumvent the radar apparatuses and security envelope of Israel and its supporters, [or] whether Iran and its allies wish to carry out such an operation or not. The answer to both these questions is yes, and Iran clearly showed this on April 13, 2024 [when it attacked Israel with drones and missiles]...

"Iran has now moved several steps ahead of the [events of] five months ago, and the punishment of the Zionists this time will be more varied, integrated, and painful. Iran's attacks five months ago were carried out from only a few cities in Iran, and in a narrow funnel (limited to the eastern border of occupied Palestine, a maximum [angle] of 60 degrees). However, the Zionist regime is now threatened from 360 degrees, and the Zionists do not feel secure in any direction (north, south, and west – the Mediterranean Sea). The Hizbullah and Ansar Allah [Houthis] drones [in Lebanon and Yemen, respectively] have repeatedly entered the occupied territories [i.e. Israe].

"Ten days ago, Hizbullah published photos from the Hudhud 3 drone's infiltration of the skies over the Galilee and Haifa, [during which it] documented streets, buildings and military sites. This successful penetration was carried out while Israel's air defense systems and radars were on high alert... More important than this was the offensive drone operation carried out by the Yemeni resistance in Tel Aviv two weeks ago...

"Launching missiles is not in contradiction of the element of surprise deep in the occupied territories [i.e. Israel], which can itself cause extensive casualties. Another important difference, that is also possible, is that only a few of the [military] bases outside the Zionist cities were targeted in the April operations. This time, however, deep areas such as Tel Aviv, Haifa, and strategic centers, and especially the residences of several senior officials accused of recent crimes, are among the targets.

"Likewise, this time, in addition to causing strategic damage, painful casualties must be part of the focus of the special operations. Additional reprisal targets included in the list of punishments are ships of the Zionist regime forced to sail from the Indian Ocean [around Africa] to the Mediterranean, and if so far they have been only lightly damaged, now they will be a target for attacks aiming to cause heavy losses and to sink them. The Israeli economy will also not be immune from these retaliation operations. As of right now, even before the operation has begun, European and American airlines have cancelled flights to the occupied territories [i.e. Israel].

"The American regime cannot think that it is immune from the resistance front's reprisals, because it supports and is an accessory to the latest crimes. The crimes committed by Israel are coordinated and supported by America – they cannot be carried out alone. Some terror operations that Israel is not capable of are carried out by America – but the Zionists are determined to take the responsibility [for these] away from the CENTCOM terrorists and [claim them in order to] restore the honor of the Israeli army that has been tarnished over the past 10 months.

"But even if Israel is the first and the last to be accused of the crimes of the past 10 months, the responsibility for its crimes still lies with the White House, as [Israel is the U.S.'s] chained-up dog. Israel cannot even last one week without American support, let alone carry out assassinations. America's forces and bases cannot continue to assist Israel in carrying out evil and crimes while remaining out of danger."[2]

Mohammad Imani, Kayhan board of directors member (Source:, August 3, 2024)

Appendix: Graphics Threaten Missile Attack On Israeli Prime Minister

Front Page Of IRGC-Affiliated Tasnim News Agency Threatens Netanyahu – 'Once In A While, You Should Check The Sky'

On August 3rd, 2024, the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency featured a cartoon on its front page threatening Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It depicted him inside an hourglass on the beach, being targeting by falling missiles, as part of Iran's retaliation for the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. Text alongside the cartoon read: "You should check the sky once in a while – Netanyahu and the other members of the criminal Israeli gang know that Iran is determined to avenge the blood of Haniyeh the martyr, but do not know the exact time and place. Will Iran present another surprise following Operation True Promise?" The question is a reference to Iran's April 14, 2024 drone and missile attack against Israel.[3]

The graphic threatening Netanyahu by Tasnim News Agency on August 3, 2024.

Sabereen News: Graphic Depicts Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu In The Crosshairs

The Sabereen News Telegram channel, which is affiliated with Iran-backed militas in Iraq, posted on August 5, 2024 a graphic depicting Israeli PM Netanyahu in crosshairs. The post read: "Iranian news agencies: Iran is gathering information about the personal bomb shelters of Zionist regime top officials."[4]

The August 5 post by the Sabereen News Telegram channel.

Tasnim News Agency Cartoon: "The Zionists Will Meet A Harsh Response From Iran"

On July 31, 2024, Tasnim News agency published a cartoon depicting Israeli PM Netanyahu wetting his bed after an Iranian rocket crashes into his room. The room features spiderwebs in the shape of a star of David, a reference to a famous 2000 speech by Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, which likened Israel to spiderwebs. The cartoon depicts Israel's official symbol, the menorah, tipping over, with its last candle about to blow out – conveying the narrative promoted by the Iranian regime that Israel is close to destruction.

The cartoon's caption read: "The Zionists will meet a harsh response from Iran – undoubtedly, the crime of the Zionist regime will be met with a harsh and painful response from the great and powerful Resistance Front, and especially from Islamic Iran. The blessings of the efforts of the martyr of Jerusalem, Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, in defending the ideals and rights of the Palestinian people, will aid them."[5]

Tasnim News Agency cartoon depicting Netanyahu as a missile crashes into his bedroom. Source: Tasnim News Agency (Iran), July 31, 2024.

[1] Imani is a veteran Kayhan journalist who regularly publishes articles and political commentary that are in accordance with the newspaper's anti-West viewpoint.

[2] Kayhan (Iran), August 3, 2024.

[3] Tasnim (Iran), August 3, 2024.

[4], August 5, 2024.

[5] Tasnim (Iran), July 31, 2024.

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