Ayman Al-Zawahiri Threatens to Renew Terror Attacks in Britain, Calls On Jihad Fighters Worldwide To Adhere to Jihad and Islam
On July 10, 2007, Al-Qaeda's media organization Al-Sahab distributed 21-minute video cassettes of an audio-recording of bin Laden deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri's speech "Evil Britain and Its Indian Slaves" against the backdrop of a photo of him.
The following are excerpts from the speech:
"We are Getting Ready With a Thoroughly Prepared Response [to the British]"
Al-Zawahiri opened his speech by stating that the knighting of Salman Rushdie, "who cursed the Prophet Muhammad," is a manifestation by the British of "Crusaders' hatred, which they are unable to conceal" behind the guise of protecting freedom. He said that "by this [move], Blair conveyed a clear message to the Muslims, just before leaving his post, discredited and defeated... [Blair's] message runs as follows: 'If you [Muslims] think that you have beaten us and that you are driving us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, then we curse your prophet.'" Al-Zawahiri then threatened: "Your message has been heard, and we are getting ready with a thoroughly prepared response." He further adds: "To Blair's successor I will say: 'Your predecessor's policy has brought you catastrophe and defeat, not only in Afghanistan and Iraq but even in the center of London; if you still have not learned your lesson, we will do it to you again, until we are satisfied that you have fully understood [the message].'"
Jihad's Awakening is On Its Way to Liberating All Occupied Islamic Lands, From the Conquest of Andalusia to the Invasion of Iraq
Al-Zawahiri called upon the Muslims of Pakistan either to wage jihad in Afghanistan or to support it financially, "since the Afghan Emirate's victory spells hope for a real change in the entire region, and will deliver a fatal blow to the plans of the Crusaders and their helpers in South Asia."
Al-Zawahiri described the attack on the Spanish forces in southern Lebanon as "a blessed deed," and called upon Lebanon's Muslims to oppose the current situation and to spare no effort to help remove the blockade imposed on them – for, he said, "Lebanon is an Islamic land, which forces hostile to Islam wish to separate from the [rest of] the Islamic nation."
To jihad fighters and Muslims in Lebanon, Al-Zawahiri announced: "Jihad's awakening, that has occurred throughout the Islamic lands... is about to knock on the gates of Jerusalem and free all Islamic lands that have been occupied, from the conquering of Andalusia to the invasion of Iraq."
He also threatened all those who are collaborating with the Americans, Zionists, and Arab states, claiming that "[the collaborators] are digging their graves with their own hands: The Americans and the Jews will not protect them, since they [themselves] are looking for someone who will protect them."
Al-Zawahiri also called upon the Hamas leadership to voice a protest against all "agreements of concession" [renouncing] Palestine, from the 1947 partition resolution to the Mecca agreement, while appealing to all jihad fighters in Palestine to join forces "so that Allah's word will reign supreme... and the Caliphate will be established."
Finally, Al-Zawahiri warned the Islamic nation: "The Americans and the Jews are not on Mars, but in the heart of our land, with their weapons... What we see today in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, or Somalia may tomorrow befall any [Muslim] city or country... It is only adherence to Allah's word, return to Islam, and embarking upon jihad that can save us."[1]