Islamist Websites Monitor No. 124
Al-Qaeda in Algeria Announces Plan to Perpetrate Series of Terrorist Attacks, Warns the Muslims to Stay Away from Government Facilities to Avoid Getting Hurt
On July 23, 2007, "Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb" posted a communiqué on Islamic websites announcing its intention to perpetrate a series of escalating terrorist attacks in Algeria against the "enemies of Islam" and warning all Muslims to stay away from government facilities in order to avoid getting hurt.
The following are excerpts:
"The jihad fighters' attacks in the Islamic Maghreb have become a veritable nuisance that robs the apostates within the country of their sleep and is a thorn in the hide of the enemies of Islam outside [the country]… The jihad fighters have managed to regroup and unite their ranks… and have a lot of surprises in store for the enemies of Allah in the Islamic Maghreb, which will come one after the other, each more serious than the previous - until the enemies of Allah's faith realize that they have no option but to repent, return to [the faith of Allah], and cease fighting Islam and the Muslims...
"Out of desire to preserve the lives of the Muslims, which are protected [by Muslim shari'a], we call upon all our Muslim brothers to keep away from government centers and from gatherings of the apostates and infidels… [and] to avoid coming near them or mixing with them [in any way], because the jihad fighters are determined to strike these [targets] by bombing or any other means of extermination."
Islamist Websites Monitor No. 125
Taliban: We Have Executed One South Korean Hostage; The Rest Will Be Executed July 26, 2007
A communiqué issued by the Taliban on July 25, 2007 announced that one of the South Korean hostages had been executed that day, and that the rest would be executed on July 26, 2007, starting at 1:00 AM local time.
The following are excerpts:
"We have submitted a list of hostages that we wish to receive in exchange [for the South Korean hostages], but the collaborating [Afghan] government would not comply with our demands or do anything whatsoever in this matter.
"Therefore, today at 15:45 local time we executed one of the [South] Korean hostages, by the name of Kio (son of Hotshonj). The execution was carried out in the Qarabagh [district] in the Ghazni province, in accordance with Muslim shari'a and the constitution of the Islamic Emirate [of Afghanistan].
"We call once again on the South Korean people and on the occupying [South Korean] government... to pressure the collaborating government in Kabul to work [for the release] of these [South] Korean hostages.
"If we receive no reply from the collaborating government in Kabul, we will begin to kill the rest of the hostages tomorrow at 1:00 AM local time."
Islamist Websites Monitor No. 126
Yahya Al-Libi In Video Message On Red Mosque Conflict: "Among the Most Prominent Martyrs"
On July 31, 2007, Al-Sahab posted a 21-minute video message by Yahya Al-Libi titled "Among the Most Prominent Martyrs." Al-Libi dedicates his message to the recent Red Mosque conflict between mujahideen and the Pakistani security forces.
In the video, Al-Libi praises the mujahideen and their leader, Sheikh Abdul Rashid Ghazi,for not yielding to the government's pressure. He describes the mujahideen deaths as a just martyrdom, saying that by sacrificing themselves they had defended Islam, revealed the tyrannical nature of the Pakistani regime, and prevented it from "corrupting Islam" and subjecting Pakistan to the influence of "the worshippers of the cross."
Al-Libi ends his message by urging Pakistanis to follow this example: "The Truth will not be established by begging; rights will not be regained by self-abnegation; oppression will not be lifted by petitions, but rather by earnest resolve, unwavering zeal, serious action, and sustained sacrifice..."
Islamist Websites Monitor No. 127
Abu Hafs 'Omar Al-Farouq, a Leader of the Ansar Al-Islam Organization in Pakistan: "Oh Infidel Government, We Are Coming!"
The Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF) recently released an address by Abu Hafs 'Omar Al-Farouq, a leader of the Ansar Al-Islam organization in Pakistan. In the address, Al-Farouq calls on all Muslims to wage jihad against the regime of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who he says is trying to implement "Jewish democracy" in Pakistan instead of Muslim shari'a. Al-Farouq also calls to attack and kill Pakistani security personnel, as well as Muslim clerics who support Musharraf, in retaliation for the Red Mosque clashes in Islamabad.
Following are excerpts:
"Pakistan was founded to implement the Islamic shari'a, but until today it has implemented only Jewish democracy..."
"My dear brothers, know that the infidel clerics [who support Musharraf] must be killed, so start killing them, and know that Pervez Musharraf's army has openly declared war on Islam..."
"[I say to] all the infidels in Pakistan, members of the intelligence agencies: Know that we are coming to massacre you..."
"Each brother must be prepared to carry out a martyrdom [i.e. suicide] operation... Come to Paradise!"
"Leave the universities and schools... Your [religious] duty is now [to wage] jihad, and jihad only..."
Islamist Websites Monitor No. 128
Abu Jandal Al-Dimashqi Threatens Lebanon with Terrorist Attacks
On August 11, 2007, the Islamist Website, which is hosted by Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia, posted an audio message by Abu Jandal Al-Dimashqi, the Emir of Jama'at Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad in Syria, eulogizing Abu Hurairah, a former Fath Al-Islam commander, who apparently died in the battle of Nahr Al-Bared.
In the message, Abu Jandal threatened Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Al-Siniora with terrorist attacks in Lebanon, saying: "Some of Fath Al-Islam's brave men have escaped Nahr Al-Bared. They are now among you. They have penetrated your ranks... and are lying in wait for you..."
Islamist Websites Monitor No. 129
Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi Brigade Threatens "Quality Attack"in Next Few Days
On August 13, 2007, Islamic websites posted an announcement by the Sheik Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi Brigade warning of a "quality attack" in the next few days, aimed at "causing numerous fatalities among the enemy." Following are excerpts:
"We have already completed all the logistical preparations, and are about to complete the technical preparations, so the attack is imminent. We call on all the brothers and urge them to prepare well, and to make themselves fully available, for the attack, whenever it comes, in order to cause numerous fatalities among the enemy and cast the leaders of the infidels into the dust... This will be a quality attack [that will be publicized] in the jihadi media... The attack will be for the sake of the victory of the Islamic State."
ISI Commander Threatens Coalition Forces: "In the Coming [Month of] Ramadan... We Will Grind You Under Our Feet like Rats"
In a message posted August 12, 2007 on Islamist websites, ISI commander Sheikh Abu 'Ubaida threatens the Coalition forces, saying that the coming month of Ramadan (which begins September 13, 2007) will be "a month of death and screams" in which they will be struck without mercy. Following are excerpts:
"To all the soldiers and commanders of the Crusader army... The Muslim month of martyrdom and jihad is drawing near, and what are you doing? We have prepared for you dozens of brave men in dozens of car bombs, by means of which we will kill you without mercy - in Baghdad, Al-Anbar, Mosul, Diyala, Kirkuk, and Basra, in the North and in the South...
"Our month of fasting is drawing near, and for you, the month of death and screams is drawing near. It is only a few weeks away... We have prepared for you [all kinds of] strange deaths in the streets of Baghdad, and we swear to turn this month into a momentous occasion of which nations will speak for generations. We swear that we will grind you under our feet like rats...
"We repeat the call of the heroic martyred sheikh Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi, who humiliated you in the past, [and say to you] that the Sunni mosques are open to anyone who wishes to surrender and throw down his arms. Regard this as a last warning from a fighter in the field whose hands are stained with [the blood of] dozens of your comrades [who were killed] in Baghdad and in Salah Al-Din... We swear that we will [spill] your blood everywhere, and you will receive the heads of [your] apostate [allies] by the [sackfull].
"As for the Sunnis... [we ask you] to be patient... Victory is near and your enemy is drawing his last breaths... Keep the women and children away from the places frequented by the American and Iranian enemy, and heed the instructions of the ISI commanders in you area."
Islamist Websites Monitor No. 130
Philippines Jihad Group Abu Sayyaf Aspires to Establish Islamic State on Mindanao, Luzon, and Visayas
On August 15, 2007 the Islamist website, which is hosted by SiteGenie LLC in Minnesota, USA, posted a video titled "The Lions of the Philippines Are Coming," about the Abu Sayyaf jihad group in the southern Philippines. The video, produced by the Moro Media Company, is the first one about this group posted on the Internet. It shows fighters receiving religious and military training, and also features speeches by commanders of the group, including 'Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Janjalani, who was confirmed dead in January 2007.
In their speeches, the commanders declare that their organization is independent of other resistance groups in the Philippines (such as the Moro Islamic Liberation Front), and state that its ultimate goal is to establish an Islamic state on the three major islands of the Philippines: first on Mindanao, and then on Luzon and Visayas.
The commanders also call on mujahideen worldwide to assist them and to provide them with weapons, in particular anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.
The video can be viewed at
Below are images from the video: