March 11, 2021 Special Announcements No. 1031

MEMRI NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT TODAY – Donate To Our Spring 2021 Campaign

March 11, 2021
Special Announcements No. 1031

As a loyal reader and previous donor, you already know the critical importance of our work. Today, we are asking for your renewed support of our groundbreaking projects and initiatives. Please donate to our Spring 2021 fundraising campaign, so that we can continue to bridge the language gap between the Middle East, Iran, Turkey, South Asia, Russia, the Caucasus, China, and the West.

For over two decades, MEMRI has been providing vital research, primary source translations, and original analysis to U.S. and international governments, counterterrorism officials, law enforcement agencies, militaries, and other authorities to tackle threats and prevent terror attacks. We work with news organizations and media to inform their understanding of the complexities of issues and developments in all these countries and serve as a valuable resource for academia worldwide. Our research and analysis are free of charge to our major audiences – media, academia, legislatures, and the public at large – but we need your help to keep it that way.


As one of the world's most productive think tanks in the U.S., so far in 2021 we have published over 135 translations, analysis pieces, and special analysis briefs, and released over 155 MEMRI TV clips. In 2020, MEMRI TV clips had over 30 million views. On social media – YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram – we have nearly 300,000 followers.

Please join the thousands of MEMRI supporters who donate to help us continue this critical work. We cannot do this without you, and with recent world events and heightened tensions in the region as well as domestically, our work is more crucial than ever. No one else is doing the work that MEMRI does.


  • MEMRI TV– Providing around-the-clock translations of nearly 100 Arab, Iranian, Turkish, Russian Urdu and Chinese TV channels, and providing in-depth insight into complex situations that other sources cannot. To date, MEMRI TV clips have had over 250 million views across the web.

  • Lantos Archives on Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial – Named after the late honorable Congressman and Holocaust survivor Tom Lantos, this project exposes Muslim antisemitism in the Arab and Muslim world and the West and maintains the world's largest archives on this subject.

  • Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project– Monitoring , translating and analyzing content online, by jihadi organizations and individuals, with a focus on their outreach, expansion, recruitment, indoctrination, social media and fundraising.

  • Cyber and Jihad Lab (CJL) – Monitoring and researching cyber jihad originating from the Middle East, Iran, and South Asia, and working with government agencies as well as tech industry leaders.

  • Domestic Terrorism Threat Monitor – Scrutinizing online propaganda, incitement, threats, and recruitment activity by violent neo-Nazi groups and individuals.

  • Iran Media Project – Publishing original analysis on various Iran-related issues, and monitoring and translating content from over 40 Iranian newspapers and 30 Iranian TV channels.

  • Sermons Project – Monitoring and translating hate-filled and inciting sermons at mosques across the U.S., Canada, and Europe – often resulting in public apologies as well as disciplinary action and even legal measures against the speakers.

  • Reform Project – Translating media and other primary-source content to highlight and amplify the voice of reformists and liberals who support reform, democracy, equality, and human rights.

  • Russia Media Studies and China Media Studies Projects – Monitoring, translating, and analyzing content from a vast number of media sources in these two world powers, to help the West understand their political ideology, political vision, and actual goals, as well as their involvement in the Arab and Muslim world – and its implications for U.S. foreign policy.


In all 50 states and in Washington, D.C, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle turn to MEMRI for accurate analysis and assistance with countless threats. In the halls of Congress, MEMRI regularly meets with members and their staff, as well as various committees, sharing our latest research and discussing how to help stop online terror recruitment and funding. MEMRI routinely provides research on emerging terrorism threats and trends, anti-Semitic incitement, and more, to the White House, the Departments of State, Homeland Security and Justice, the National Counterterrorism Center, the TSA, and others.

MEMRI also provides research to academia, including 700+ universities, colleges, and other institutes of higher learning in the U.S. and around the world. Our research is frequently used by leading print and broadcast media outlets in the U.S. – including The Washington Post, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and CNN – as well as foreign media.

Please support MEMRI today; your gift will ensure that our programs and initiatives succeed in 2021. The generosity and dedication of donors like you is the only reason why we can continue to do our important work.

Your donation is 100% tax-deductible. You may donate online at, mail a check to MEMRI, P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837, or call us at 202-955-9070.

In gratitude for your consideration,

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