July 18, 2024 Special Announcements No. 1504

The MEMRI Weekly: July 12-19, 2024

July 18, 2024
Special Announcements No. 1504

The following are links to reports from MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series and Inquiry and Analysis Series, as well as to transcripts from the MEMRI TV Project, released during the past week.


Special Dispatch No. 11458 – Michigan Islamic Scholar Mohammad Baqer Qazwini In Toledo, Ohio Shi'ite Ceremony: AIPAC Bribes Bought U.S. Government Support Of Israel; Representatives Who Accept AIPAC Are Enslaved, Cannot Be Trusted; In Upcoming U.S. Elections, One Candidate Is An Expert In Spewing Lies, The Other Turns A Blind Eye On Genocide, July 18, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11457 – Article In Qatari Daily: We Must Draw Inspiration From Gaza's Jihad Fighters Who Sacrifice Themselves And Light The Way To Freedom, July 18, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11456 – Michigan Imam Hassan Qazwini: Our Government, President Only Support Israel Because Of Zionist Money; Most Congressmembers Are Terrified Of AIPAC; They Are Willing To Fight China, Russia, Iran, But Are Too Cowardly To Fight AIPAC's Small Legion In Washington; Allah Willing, You Live To See The Demise Of The Zionists, July 18, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11455 – Dearborn, Michigan Imam Usama Abdulghani: Our Children Will Be The Soldiers Of The Mahdi, We Must Teach Them To Follow The Words Of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei And Hizbullah Secretary-General Nasrallah; The War In Gaza Did Not Start On October 7 – It Is War Between Truth And Falsehood, Faith And Arrogance; Israelis Skin Palestinians And Harvest Their Organs, July 18, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11454 – Since The U.S.'s January 2020 Killing Of IRGC Qods Force Commander Qassem Soleimani, Iranian Regime Officials Have Reiterated Their Intent To Assassinate Trump In Retribution – But Today, Iran Denies Any Connection To The July 13 Assassination Attempt Against Him, July 17, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11453 – Assessing Hamas's October 7 Attack, Al-Qaeda Essay By Sayf Al-'Adl: Killing Civilians More Beneficial Than Taking Them As Prisoners, July 17, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11452 – In Urdu-Language Daily, Pakistani Columnist Blames West For Spreading Corruption, Promotes Antisemitism: 'Behind All Of This At Work Is The Hand Of The Jews'; 'The Vein Of India Lies In The Claws Of Jews', July 17, 2024

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1774 – Arab League's Renewal Of Relations With Hizbullah Sparks Criticism In Lebanon And Arab World: Hizbullah Is Still Is A Terror Organization; It Does Not Deserve Free Gifts; The Arab League Is Motivated By Outside Interests, July 17, 2024

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 623 – Loyal To The End: The Grand Mufti Of Jerusalem And Nazi Germany (1941-1945), July 16, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11451 – Iranian TV Host: Trump Assassination Attempt May Have Been Staged; We Need Him Alive So He Can Stand Trial For His Crimes, Especially The Assassination Of IRGC General Soleimani, July 16, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11450 – At Qatari Government-Sponsored Summer Camps Children Learn That Israeli Cities Are Part Of Palestine, July 16, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11449 – At Third Doha Meeting, Afghan Taliban Spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid Seeks Legitimacy For Taliban-Led 'Gender-Apartheid Regime': 'The Ongoing Genocide In Gaza, Palestine, Has Become The First Genocide In History To Be Broadcast Live', July 15, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11448 – Displaced, Unemployed Russians Express Outrage At Russian Government's Funding, New Homes, And Jobs For Palestinian Refugees, July 15, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11447 – Hizbullah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem: The 'Earthquake' Of October 7 Will Lead To The Elimination Of The State Of Israel – But Take Your Time, Dripping Water Will Eventually Pierce Solid Rock, July 15, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11446 – Officer In Houthi Ansar Allah Militia In Interview With Al-Jazeera Website: A Year From Now We'll Have Missiles That Can Threaten Europe, U.S. Nuclear Targets, July 15, 2024

Special Dispatch No. 11445 – Despite Being Banned In Germany Since November 2023, PFLP-Affiliated Samidoun, Which Openly Supports Hamas And Hizbullah, Launches Fundraising Campaign To 'Counter Anti-Palestinian Repression In Germany' – Listing Bank Information Of Extremist German Group Rote Hilfe, July 12, 2024



MEMRI TV Clip No. 11253 – Leader Of Iraqi Pro-Iran Militia Akram Al-Kaabi Participates In Launching A UAV, Online PlatformsMichigan Islamic Scholar Mohammad Baqer Qazwini In Toledo, Ohio Shi'ite Ceremony: AIPAC Bribes Bought U.S. Government Support Of Israel; Representatives Who Accept AIPAC Are Enslaved, Cannot Be Trusted; In Upcoming U.S. Elections, One Candidate Is An Expert In Spewing Lies, The Other Turns A Blind Eye On Genocide

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11252 – Juneteenth Commemoration At Tuskegee, Alabama Mosque: Muslims Must Remake America, It Cannot Be Saved Unless We Save It; We Must Prepare Ourselves To Run The World, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11251 – Chinese PLA Defector Lieut.-Col. Yao Cheng: Xi Jinping's Wife Controls The Promotion Of Generals, Making The Central Military Commission A Family-Run Business, Online Platforms          

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11250 – Michigan Imam Hassan Qazwini: Our Government, President Only Support Israel Because Of Zionist Money; Most Congressmembers Are Terrified Of AIPAC; They Are Willing To Fight China, Russia, Iran, But Are Too Cowardly To Fight AIPAC's Small Legion In Washington; Allah Willing, You Live To See The Demise Of The Zionists, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11249 – Lebanese Academic Akram Hamdan: BBC Facilitated Israeli Attacks On Palestinians By Reporting That Gaza Hospitals Were Being Used As Rocket Launch Sites; Where Is Its Professionalism And Objectivity?, Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11248 – Dearborn, Michigan Imam Usama Abdulghani: Our Children Will Be The Soldiers Of The Mahdi, We Must Teach Them To Follow The Words Of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei And Hizbullah Secretary-General Nasrallah; The War In Gaza Did Not Start On October 7 – It Is War Between Truth And Falsehood, Faith And Arrogance; Israelis Skin Palestinians And Harvest Their Organs, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11247 – Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: The Culture Of Martyrdom Is Not A Culture Of Death, But Of Life; We Are Sacrificing Thousands So That Millions Can Live; This Is What We Want For Lebanon, Online Platforms              

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11246 – Iranian TV Host: Trump Assassination Attempt May Have Been Staged; We Need Him Alive So He Can Stand Trial For His Crimes, Especially The Assassination Of IRGC General Soleimani, Channel 1 (Iran)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11245 – Yemeni-Houthi Leader Abdul-Malik Badreddine Al-Houthi Warns Saudi Arabia Against Shutting Down Sanaa Banks, Air And Sea Ports: We Will Respond By Shutting Down Your Banks, Airport; Your Oil Facilities And Reserves Will Be In Danger, Al-Araby TV (Qatar)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11244 – Egyptian Researcher Dr. Wassim Al-Sissy: There Are Too Many Blacks In America And They Are Turning Savage; The West Wants To Resettle Them In Egypt; The Afrocentric Movement Claims They Have Roots Here, But Their History Of Cannibalism Is Nothing Like Egyptian Civilization, Al-Nahar TV (Egypt)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11243 – Sanaa Hamad Al-Gourafi Of The Sudanese Islamic Movement: Our Members Are Fighting Alongside The Army Against The Rapid Support Forces; We Are Willing To Sit Down With Hemedti, Not Taqaddum, Whose Crime Is Unforgivable, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)             

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11242 – Hizbullah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem: The 'Earthquake' Of October 7 Will Lead To The Elimination Of The State Of Israel – But Take Your Time, Dripping Water Will Eventually Pierce Solid Rock, Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11241 – Philippine Secretary Of Defense Gilberto Teodoro Jr.: China's Actions In The South China Sea Are Dangerous And Reckless, Will Be Resisted By Our Armed Forces – We Will Defend Our Sovereignty, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11240 – Indian Defense Analyst Maj. Gaurav Arya: The South China Sea Is Too Valuable, China Won't Compromise On Controlling It; China Bullies Smaller Countries – For The Philippines And Japan, This Is A War For Survival, Online Platforms

MEMRI TV Clip No. 11239 – Nasser Karimian In Columbus, Ohio Friday Sermon: The Mujahid Seeks Shahada (Martyrdom); He Cannot Be Beaten Because If He Wins – He Wins, And If He Loses – He Also Wins; This Is What Made Islam So Great; Loving This World Is For Losers; Martyrs In Paradise Wish To Return To This World And Die Ten Times Over; Are We Teaching This To Our Kids?, Online Platforms

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