September 6, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11545

PFLP-Affiliated Samidoun Network Marks 'International Day For The Retrieval And Liberation Of The Bodies Of Martyrs,' With Series Celebrating Infamous Palestinian Women Suicide Bombers And Terrorists – Part Of Its Efforts To Show Suicide Attacks In A Positive Light To Inspire And Radicalize Young People In The West Via Social Media

September 6, 2024
Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 11545

Women have been involved in carrying out Palestinian terror attacks for decades; in 1969, Leila Khaled was the first Palestinian woman to hijack an airplane, while the first to be killed in a terror operation was Dalal Al-Mughrabi. She was the deputy commander of the 1978 Coastal Road attack in which 38 Israeli civilians were killed, including 13 children, and 76 were wounded. The first Palestinian woman to become a suicide bomber, Wafa Idris, who in January 2002 blew herself up in Jerusalem, killing two and wounding 90, launched a wave of other Palestinian women carrying out similar attacks.

In an August 27, 2024 series of posts on its X account, Samidoun marked "International Day for the Retrieval and Liberation of the Bodies of the Martyrs," a day declared by the Palestinian National Campaign for the Recovery of the Bodies of Martyrs – that is, bodies of Palestinian terrorists retained by Israel. Its posts highlighted dead Palestinian women terrorists whose bodies, it claims, are "held captive by the Zionist regime in occupation morgues, freezers and so-called 'numbers cemeteries.'"[1] The day was also marked on the website of Press TV, a media outlet of the Iranian regime. This lionization of women terrorists appears to be an attempt to inspire the organization's target audience – Islamists, Marxists, and various other revolutionaries, in addition to college students – and also to persuade and incite young women in the West to follow in their footsteps.

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a Canadian federally registered nonprofit organization which stages rallies and marches, hangs banners, and engages with media and followers online. It has a strong connection with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist group. Since October 7, the organization has grown in stature, with a presence at many pro-Palestinian protests – most recently in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention.[2]

Samidoun's post on X marking "International Day for the Retrieval and Liberation of the Bodies of the Martyrs"[3]

The article about "International Day for the Retrieval and Liberation of the Bodies of the Martyrs" on the English-language site of Iranian regime media outlet Press TV.[4]

Earlier, in February 2023, Samidoun had announced the "International Campaign to Liberate the Remains Of Palestinian Martyrs," setting it for  March 11-18 of that year.[5]

The following report reviews some of the posts from Samidoun's X account celebrating "martyred" Palestinian women terrorists.

First Woman Suicide Bomber: Fatah Terrorist Wafaa Idriss Killed Two, Wounded 90 Israeli Civilians In January 2002 Suicide Attack In Downtown Jerusalem

Celebrating Wafaa Idris for perpetrating "the first martyrdom operation carried out by a woman against the Zionist occupation, Samidoun described her legacy and influence on other Palestinian women.[6]  Idriss carried out a suicide attack in downtown Jerusalem in January 2002, killing two and wounding 90 Israeli civilians.[7]

Samidoun's series of posts about Wafaa Idriss.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Terrorist Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat Killed 19, Including Four Children, Wounded Over 50 In 2003 Suicide Bombing At Haifa Restaurant

In one post, Samidoun celebrated Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat, describing her as a martyr.[8] Jaradat was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operative who carried out a suicide bombing in October 2003 at a restaurant in Haifa, killing 19 Israelis, among them four children, and wounding at least 50 others.[9]

Samidoun's series of posts about Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat.

Fatah Terrorist Dareen Abu Eisheh Wounded Two Policemen In Suicide Bombing In February 2002

In another post, Samidoun celebrated Dareen Abu Eisheh, describing her as an "ardent activist" who "was committed to participate directly in armed struggle to liberate her people and end Zionist colonialism."[10] Abu Eisheh blew herself up on the Israeli side of the Maccabim checkpoint, wounding two Israeli policemen, on February 27, 2002.[11]

Samidoun's series of posts about Dareen Abu Eisheh.

Dalal Al-Mughrabi, Part Of Fatah Terrorist Cell That Hijacked A Bus In 1978, Leaving 38 Civilians, Among Them 13 Children, Dead, Over 70 Wounded

Samidoun dedicated a long series of posts to Fatah operative Dalal Al-Mughrabi, who, as mentioned, was the deputy commander of the 1978 Coastal Road attack in which 38 Israeli civilians were killed, including 13 children, and 76 were wounded. The posts stated that Al-Mughrabi had led a group of 11 Palestinian and Lebanese fighters in seizing a bus, "holding inhabitants captive."[12] The post went on to claim that the bus was bombed by Israeli forces "to prevent Zionists from being taken captive by the resistance" – it was in fact the terrorists themselves who blew up the bus – and alleged that Israeli forces similarly killed Israeli civilians during the October 7, 2023 attacks.[13]

Concluding the series of posts on Palestinian women "martyrs," Samidoun wrote: "These are the stories of just nine of the Palestinian martyrs, the Palestinian women whose bodies are held captive by the occupation, even as they remain immortal in the hearts and minds of the Palestinian people and all who care for justice and liberation... The Zionist regime has been unable to erase their legacy of struggle, the meaning of their names, and their love for Palestine by holding their bodies hostage. Glory to the martyrs!"[14]

Samidoun's series of posts about Dalal Al-Mughrabi.



[1], August 27, 2024;, August 27, 2024.

[3], August 27, 2024.

[4], August 28, 2024.

[5], February 28, 2023.

[6], August 27, 2024.

[7], January 30, 2003. See also MEMRI Inquiry and Analysis No. 83, 84, and 85: Wafa Idris: The Celebration of the First Female Palestinian Suicide Bomber - Part I, February 12, 2002; Part II, February 13, 20002; and Part III, February 14, 2002.

[8], August 27, 2024.

[9], October 5, 2003; see also MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 766, The Will of Hanadi Jaradat, August 19, 2004, and MEMRI TV Clip No. 377, Iranian TV Show Extols Palestinian Female Suicide Bombers, November 8, 2004, which features her.  

[10], August 27, 2024.

[11], January 30, 2003;, March 1, 2002.

[12], August 27, 2024.

[14], August 27, 2024.

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