August 13, 2009 Special Announcements No. 95

THE MEMRI WIDGET: Viewed by Over 4 Million Users Download Today

August 13, 2009
Special Announcements No. 95

MEMRI's recently released "MEMRI Widget" has passed the four-million user mark, and has become a premier resource for Middle East news and videos. The MEMRI widget brings you current MEMRI research, the latest MEMRI TV clips, and blog posts from the MEMRI Blog directly to your desktop, blog, and social networking sites.


What is a Widget?

A widget is a mini-webpage that can be downloaded to a user's desktop or embedded into a blog or third-party website. The new MEMRI Widget is a convenient and multi-media way of staying current with breaking news from the Middle East. Without having to open a web browser, users of the MEMRI widget will receive exclusive information, videos, blogs, and articles from top regional experts directly to their desktop.

About the MEMRI Widget:

The MEMRI Widget brings you a list of current research reports, video clips, and blog posts for those interested in Middle Eastern politics, culture, economics, and societies.

There are now two versions of the MEMRI Widget available for download. The first, already released, is the Small Widget, which lets you view MEMRI's Special Dispatches, Inquiry & Analysis Reports, Announcements, and blog posts, as well as providing direct links to MEMRI TV clips.

The Large Widget, now being released, includes all of the features of the Small Widget, with the added benefit of allowing you to view MEMRI TV from within the widget itself.

Special Features:

  • Get the latest Special Dispatches, Inquiry & Analysis Reports, and Announcements, plus exclusive Breaking News
  • Watch MEMRI TV clips within the Widget (Large Widget Only)
  • Read the most recent items from the MEMRI Blogs
  • Receive exclusive breaking news about MEMRI and the Middle East
  • Use the buttons on the Widget to take you to the MEMRI Home Page

When you download the MEMRI Widget, it will appear on your desktop and also in the Spring Widget dock.

Where can I place the MEMRI Widget?

You can place the MEMRI Widget on your blog, social networking page (MySpace, Facebook, etc), web page, or even directly to your desktop.

How do I download the MEMRI Widget to my desktop?

How do I embed the MEMRI Widget on my web page or blog?

For more information about the MEMRI Widget visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

System Requirements:

  • Active Internet Connection (high-speed connection recommended)
  • Flash Version 8 or newer (download latest version here)
  • 512MB of RAM or more

Desktop Version:

  • Windows XP or Vista
  • SpringWidgets Desktop Platform (download it here)

Visit our FAQ page for details…

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