July 18, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11458

Michigan Islamic Scholar Mohammad Baqer Qazwini In Toledo, Ohio Shi'ite Ceremony: AIPAC Bribes Bought U.S. Government Support Of Israel; Representatives Who Accept AIPAC Are Enslaved, Cannot Be Trusted; In Upcoming U.S. Elections, One Candidate Is An Expert In Spewing Lies, The Other Turns A Blind Eye On Genocide

July 18, 2024
United States | Special Dispatch No. 11458

Michigan Islamic scholar Mohammad Baqer Qazwini said in a July 8, 2024 lecture, which was part of a series of Shiite commemorations at the Ahlul Bayt Center of Toledo, Ohio, that the reason the United States government continues to support Israel is because of the "bribes" it accepts from AIPAC and other lobbies. He said that when a candidate accepts bribes from AIPAC, you can't trust them once they accepted that bribe, because they are "enslaved to AIPAC." Video of the commemoration was posted on the YouTube channel of Ahlul Bayt Center of Toledo, and it was also shared on the Facebook page of the Islamic Institute of America. Mohammad Baqer Qazwini is the son of Hassan Qazwini, the founder and director of the Islamic Institute of America in Dearborn, Michigan. He is listed as an instructor at the Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary, which is located at the Islamic Institute of America in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

To view the clip of Mohammad Baqer Qazwini, click here or below:

AIPAC Bribes Bought U.S. Government Support Of Israel

Mohammad Baqer Qazwini: "Look at the upcoming elections, my dear brothers and sisters, Americans are between two candidates who are getting very old. One of them, he's an expert in spewing lies, and the other is an expert at looking at genocide and looking the other way. And he's an expert in forgetting. And in being slow. That's what this country is dealing with right now. When you see this, you kind of lose hope in the future of this country.


"Any public official in this country can easily be bribed. From the president, down. Go to the Senate, the Congress, Governors, you name it. It's very easy to bribe them in the country. Now, it's not called a bribery legally, it's called campaign contributions, mashallah.


"Last month in June, Jamaal Bowman, who was a representative in New York, he has been very critical of the war on Gaza. So you know what AIPAC did? They raised $14.5 million and they ousted him. They brought his opponent. They gave that money to his opponent, so they can unseat him. And they succeeded.


"The reason why the United States government continues to blindly support Israel, even when it's killing women and children every single day, is because of bribes, campaign contributions, lobbies. Because of AIPAC and other lobbies. Look at those senators who are the most proponents of the war against Gaza, who are the biggest supporters of Israel, you'll see AIPAC donated the most to them.


Representatives Who Accept AIPAC Money Cannot Be Trusted

"When a candidate accepts bribes, campaign contributions, you name it, you can't trust them. I can't trust them to do the job. I can't trust them to serve justice. I can't. I'm sorry. I'm not able to trust you. When AIPAC has given you $20 million, I can't trust you. No matter how good your record before was. But once you've accepted to take that bribe, you're enslaved to them. You're enslaved to that lobby. You're enslaved to that contributor and donor. That is the problem that's plaguing most countries today."

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