August 27, 2024 MEMRI Daily Brief No. 643

As New Academic Year Begins, The PFLP-Affiliated Samidoun Network – Which Promotes Hamas, Hizbullah, And Houthis – Continues Its Outreach And Encourages, Trains, And Radicalizes Student Campus Protests And Encampment Activities From New York To Amsterdam

August 27, 2024 | By Steven Stalinsky, Ph.D.*
Lebanon, Palestinians, Yemen | MEMRI Daily Brief No. 643

Samidoun, a Canadian federally registered nonprofit organization, bills itself as the "Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network."[1] The organization stages rallies and marches, hangs banners, and engages with media and followers online. It has a strong connection with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist group.[2] Samidoun was banned in Germany in November 2023 – and should be banned in the U.S. – but continues to fundraise there;[3] for its U.S. fundraising, it is circumventing obstacles to its financial services by funneling donations through a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in Tucson, Arizona.[4] Many are calling for the organization to be banned in Canada as well.[5] Since October 7, the organization has grown in stature, with a presence at many pro-Palestinian protests – most recently in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention.[6] Counterterrorism agencies, and authorities at any university where there are signs of Samidoun activity on campus, should be on alert.

In the months after Hamas's October 7 attacks in Israel, Samidoun's many chapters – the group operates in the U.S., Canada, and across Europe, with a focus on activity at universities – promoted Hamas messages to organize and radicalize university students. The organization itself has directly interviewed Hamas and Houthi officials, providing simultaneous translation into English to help spread their messages. As the new academic year begins, it will continue to attempt to brainwash and incite students across the West.

The organization's international coordinator is the Canadian Charlotte Kates, who is also the founder of the Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran (CASI). She was arrested in Vancouver in May 2024 following her speech at a rally there in which she expressed support for Hamas, the PFLP, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Lebanese Hizbullah and demanded that they all be removed from Canada's terror list. She was released on condition that she not attend any "protests, rallies or assemblies" for five months until an October 8, 2024 court date.[7] In 2022, Kates was banned from entering the EU.[8]

Kates is married to Vancouver-based Palestinian activist Khaled Barakat, who according to numerous sources is a senior PFLP member.[9] Barakat also heads Masar Badil, or the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, an anti-Israel, pro- Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) NGO. He is barred from entering the U.S. and Germany, [10] and was barred from entering the EU for four years starting in 2020 due to his support for terror organizations.[11]

In August 2024, Kates traveled to Iran to accept the "Eighth Annual Islamic Human Rights And Human Dignity Award," as one of six recipients. The awards were presented in Tehran on August 4 by the secretary general of the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Samidoun published photos of the event.[12] Other honorees included Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Nakhaleh, slain Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, slain IRGC Qods Force commander Mohammed Reza Zahedi, and Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, who was killed in May in a helicopter crash along with Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi. [13]

Kates accepting award from Kazem Gharibabadi, Iranian Human Rights Committee secretary Judiciary for International Affairs vice president.

The following day in Tehran, she gave a detailed interview to Iran's Ofogh TV, discussing her arrest. She said: "I spoke about the brave, heroic October 7 operation and the legitimacy of the resistance, and why I want to get the resistance organizations off the so-called terrorist list." Noting that the Canadian police seek to "pursue hate crime charges against me at the behest of Zionist organizations and political officials," she attributed this to "the lie of so-called Western democracy and concern for human rights." It is not clear whether Kates is now based in Iran.

Kates in August 5 interview with Iran's Ofogh TV.

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As an example of how Samidoun seeks to incite students, on May 29, Samidoun released on its website a statement from the Student Frames Secretarial (SFS), a Palestinian student movement in Gaza. In it, the SFS urged students worldwide to launch an "escalation of the Global Student Intifada for Palestine"[14] and expressed its admiration for the encampment movement in Western countries, and urged them to escalate further: "We call on you to besiege the White House in Washington, and to surround the palaces, headquarters and ministries of Western colonial governments and Zionist embassies, and the buildings and offices of the corporations that finance the Zionist entity and arm its criminal army with all kinds of bombs and means of death and destruction."

It should be noted that just weeks before Kates received her award in Iran, U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines released a statement noting that "In recent weeks, Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza." It added: "We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters." Samidoun is an organization that needs to be monitored.

The following report is an overview of some of Samidoun's activity on university campuses in the U.S., Canada, France, Spain, and The Netherlands, in the wake of the October 7 attacks and subsequent war in Gaza, with examples from the social media accounts of its various branches and from its website.

Samidoun New York/New Jersey Chapter: Involvement In Protests At City University Of New York (CUNY), City College Of New York (CCNY), Columbia University, Hunter College

November 17, 2023: Promoting CUNY Student-Faculty Protest

The "Samidoun NY/NJ" chapter of the organization reposted content on X on November 17, 2023 from the account "CUNY4Palestine" about a student-faculty protest taking place in one of the City University of New York (CUNY) buildings. The channel wrote: "Today CUNY students and workers staged a die-in and flooded the windows of the iconic 5th avenue building with signs of solidarity, at the same time as huge banners were dropped from the 6th story windows."[15]

Samidoun NY/NJ's repost from "CUNY4Palestine" about the beginning of the City University of New York's student encampment.

March 24, 2024: Samidoun At "Resistance 101" Event Hosted By Columbia University Apartheid Divest That Led To Student Suspensions

Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates and her husband, former PFLP member Khaled Barakat, spoke at a March 24, 2024 online event titled "Resistance 101." She said during the event, which was hosted by Columbia University Apartheid Divest: "There is nothing wrong with being a member of Hamas, being a leader of Hamas, being a fighter in Hamas." Students participating in the event were later suspended by the university.[16] The event was recorded and posted on X by user Stu Smith.

A screenshot on X from a recording of the "Resistance 101" event featuring Khaled Barakat, a researcher at the University of Alberta, a former member of the PFLP, a U.S.-designated group, and his wife, Samidoun international coordinator Charlotte Kates.

April 26, 2024: Samidoun Promotes PFLP At Protest At CCNY

On the "Samidoun Network" X account on April 26, 2024, the organization posted a photo of a Samidoun poster being displayed at a pro-Palestinian student encampment at the City College of New York (CCNY). The channel wrote: "Paris, NYC, Boston and everywhere. From Walid Daqqah at Emerson, Georges Abdallah in Paris, Ahmad Sa'adat at CCNY Encampment in NYC today #Escalate4Gaza and free all Palestinian prisoners, leaders of our international liberation struggle."[17]

Samidoun's post on X showing a Samidoun poster at a student protest at City College New York.

July 25, 2024: "Solidarity With The CUNY 27"

A statement of support for the "CUNY 27" was posted on the Samidoun website on July 25.[18] It was titled "Solidarity with the CUNY 27: Drop the charges now – build the global intifada." "CUNY 27" refers to student protestors at the encampment at City University of New York who were arrested in April; some face felony burglary charges. Samidoun praised the students' actions and claimed that they were innocent of the charges.

July 26, 2024: "Flood Hunter For Gaza – NYC Week of Rage for Palestine"

A July 25 statement on the Samidoun website announced a "New York City Week of Rage" rally at Hunter College in Manhattan the following day, July 26.[19] The rally was a response to an episode of the TV program FBI: Most Wanted which had staged a mock university protest and encampment at CUNY's Queens College for the filming of an episode on a climate change protest. Samidoun decried the filming as a "mockery of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment," and "an attempt to demonize the Student Movement against the genocide in Gaza" and to profit from it. Rally participants included Samidoun, multiple chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine, and Within Our Lifetime.[20] 

Samidoun In Canada: Involvement In Protests At University Of British Columbia, Toronto Metropolitan University, University Of Toronto; Toronto Teach-In On "Policing Of Palestinian Solidarity Movements"

April 29, 2024: Promoting University Of British Columbia Student Encampment

Samidoun Vancouver promoted the University of British Columbia (UBC)'s student encampment. The channel wrote on X on April 29: "The encampment for Palestine at UBC has officially launched. ALL OUT TO SUPPORT THE STUDENTS! Come put at 12 pm to MacInnes Field at UBC for a MASS COMMUNITY RALLY FOR PALESTINE – come right to the UBC Bus Loop to find and support us!"[21]

Samidoun Vancouver's post on X urging its followers to support the University of British Columbia's student encampment.

May 1, 2024: Expressing Solidarity With Toronto Metropolitan University Student Encampment

Samidoun Toronto expressed solidarity, on Telegram on May 1, with the Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)'s student encampment. The channel wrote: "Yesterday, Samidoun Toronto expressed our solidarity with TMU students calling for disclosure and divestment by joining them at their community sit-in. Students, faculty, and workers from universities and colleges around the world are rising up against the Zionist-led, imperialist funded genocide in Palestine."[22]

Samidoun Toronto's post on Telegram proclaiming their solidarity with the Toronto Metropolitan University's student encampment.

May 2, 2024: Joining "People's Circle For Palestine" At University Of Toronto Student Encampment

Samidoun Toronto, on Telegram on May 2, 2024, joined and expressed support for the People's Circle for Palestine at the University of Toronto, which is a part of the university's encampment. The channel wrote: "Samidoun Toronto has landed inside the People's Circle for Palestine at the University of Toronto, join us!"[23] Nine days later, on May 11, Samidoun Toronto, again on Telegram, claimed they were still supporting the People's Circle for Palestine, writing: "Samidoun TO continues to hold down the People's Circle at the University of Toronto in solidarity with the globalizing student intifada!"[24]

Samidoun Toronto's posts on Telegram proclaiming their support of the University of Toronto's encampment at the People's Circle for Palestine.

May 16, 2024: Promoting Teach-In On "Policing Of Palestinian Solidarity Movements"

On Telegram on May 16, Samidoun Toronto promoted a teach-in on "Community Safety and the Policing of Palestinian Solidarity Movements." The channel wrote: "Join us this Thursday for York Centre and York-South Weston 4 Palestine's Virtual Teach-in on Community Safety and the Policing of Palestinian Solidarity Movements. Featuring speakers from the Movement Defense Committee, Walls Down Collective, and Samidoun Toronto…"[25]

Samidoun Toronto's posts on Telegram promoting the virtual teach-in where they will participate.

Samidoun In France: Involvement In Protests At University Of Nanterre, At Place De La Sorbonne, University Of Paris 8, Paris School of Economics

December 3, 2023: Promoting Protest At University Of Nanterre, Paris

Samidoun Paris Banlieue posted on X on December 3, 2023 about a protest at the University of Nanterre, near Paris. The post shows photos of protestors holding a Samidoun banner, along with flags and signs. The channel wrote: "±100 people gathered yesterday at the call of the Palestine Committee of the University of Nanterre to reaffirm our solidarity with the resistance of the Palestinian people. Samidoun spoke on the importance of supporting Palestinian prisoners, including Georges Abdallah."[26]

Samidoun Paris Banlieue's posts on X about the gathering at the University of Nanterre, with one photo on the upper left showing a Samidoun poster at the gathering.

April 25, 2024: Expressing Support For Rally In Progress At Place de la Sorbonne, Paris

Samidoun Paris Banlieue posted a video on X on April 25 expressing support for students protesting at the Place de la Sorbonne in Paris. The channel wrote: "Rally in progress at Place de la Sorbonne to protest against the violent intervention of the cops against the students who blocked the university courtyard. More than ever, young people are mobilizing against the genocide in Gaza!"[27]

Samidoun Paris Banlieue's post on X in support of the rally near Sorbonne University.

May 2, 2024: Urging Followers To Join Encampment At University Of Paris 8

Samidoun Paris Banlieue urged its followers on Telegram, on May 2, to join the encampment at the University of Paris 8. Photos and a video in the post showed numerous Samidoun posters and stickers throughout the encampment. The channel wrote: "Today at the University of Paris 8, solidarity camp against the genocide in Gaza and the repression of solidarity with Palestine on campuses with the Palestine Committee Paris 8 and the student organizations!'[28]

Samidoun Paris Banlieue's posts on Telegram about the encampment at the University of Paris 8, showing multiple Samidoun posters and stickers throughout the encampment.

May 3, 2024: Congratulating Student Encampments At Universities In France And Spain

Samidoun Paris Banlieue posted on Telegram on May 3 to congratulate the student encampments at Paris 8, at the Political University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain, at the Paris School of Economics' Jourdan Campus (ENS Jourdan), and at other universities. The channel wrote: "Congratulations to all the students who blocked and occupied their universities yesterday and overnight! A big congratulations to Paris 8, UPC, ENS Jourdan, Science Po and all the blocked universities.'[29]

Samidoun Paris Banlieue's posts on Telegram celebrating the encampments across France and Spain that took place on May 2.

Samidoun In Spain: Involvement In Protests At University Of Barcelona, Complutense University Of Madrid

May 6, 2024: Supporting Student Protests At University Of Barcelona

Samidoun Spain posted on May 6, in two posts on Telegram, its support for the student protests at the University of Barcelona. It wrote: 'The University of Barcelona stands with Palestine! Free free Palestine! Boycott Israel!'[30]

Samidoun Spain's posts on Telegram endorsing the encampment at the University of Barcelona.

May 7, 2024: Expressing Support For Student Encampment At Complutense University Of Madrid

Samidoun Spain shared, on Telegram on May 7, a photo of the encampment at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), as a show of support. The channel wrote: "The UCM Encampment begins."[31]

Samidoun Spain shared a post on Telegram in support of the UCM encampment.

Samidoun In The Netherlands: Involvement In Protests At University Of Groningen, Roeterseiland Campus In Amsterdam

June 16, 2024: Expressing Support For Protestors At University Of Groningen

Samidoun Netherlands wrote on June 16 on Telegram to express its support for the students protesting at the University of Groningen in light of their eviction by police, and urged readers to support the encampment: 'Join us this Tuesday to protest the racial profiling and police violence we endure as we stand with Palestine! Let us show the University of Groningen that you can evict a camp but you cannot evict a movement! The solidarity student encampments all over the world are facing censorship, intimidation and police brutality – the same violence structures of white supremacy, racism and dehumanization that support the genocidal Zionist project in Palestine. The Global Studfent Intifada understands this! The Groningen encampment needs your voice to make this message heard! Bring your kuffiyehs, drums and pots and make some noise!'[32]

Samidoun Netherlands published a post on their Telegram channel in support of the Groningen University encampments, and urged readers to support the encampment.

May 6, 2024: Promoting Student Encampment At Roeterseiland Campus, Amsterdam

Another post on X by Samidoun, on May 6, included a photo promoting a student encampment at Roeterseiland campus in Amsterdam. The channel wrote: "Join the Amsterdam student encampment for Palestine!"[33]

Samidoun's post on X showing a photo of the Roeterseiland student encampment in Amsterdam, urging locals to attend the encampment.

The same day, Samidoun released a statement on its website on May 6proclaiming its full support for the Roeterseiland encampment in Amsterdam. It described the students participating in the event as "on the frontline of the resistance against the Israeli genocide in Gaza and Dutch complicity."[34]

* Steven Stalinsky is Executive Director of MEMRI.



[5], April 30, 2024;, November 24, 2023;;, November 23, 2022;

[6], August 20, 2024.

[8], April 30, 2024.

[9], April 28, 2022.

[10], March 24, 2024.

[11], March 26, 2024.

[12], August 12, 2024.

[14], May 29, 2024.

[15], November 17, 2023.

[16],Islamic%20Jihad%2C%20the%20PFLP.%E2%80%9D, April 6, 2024;, March 24, 2024.

[17], April 26, 2024.

[18], July 25, 2024.

[19], July 25, 2024.

[20], July 24, 2024;

[21], April 29, 2024.

[22] May 1, 2024.

[23] May 2, 2024.

[24] May 11, 2024.

[25] May 16, 2024.

[26], December 3rd, 2023.

[27], April 25, 2024.

[28], May 2, 2024.

[29], May 3, 2024.

[30], May 6, 2024;, May 6, 2024.

[31], May 7, 2024.

[32], June 16, 2024.

[33], May 6, 2024.

[34], May 6, 2024.

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