October 17, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11622

Saudi Journalists Slam Hamas Leader Abroad Khaled Mashal: He Is An Iranian Mercenary Who Cares Nothing For Lives Of The Gazans And Should Be Prosecuted

October 17, 2024
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 11622

The speech given by Khaled Mashal, Hamas' leader abroad, to mark the first anniversary of Hamas' deadly attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, drew fire from many Saudi writers and journalists. Addressing the Kuala Lumpur Forum for Thought and Civilization, held in the capital of Malaysia, Mash'al thanked Iran, the Houthis, Hizbullah and the Iraqi militias for their assistance in the war against Israel; urged Muslims to wage jihad with their weapons and their lives and to open additional fronts against Israel, and called on Arab countries to support the people of Gaza financially "in order to ease their suffering." Mash'al added that the losses sustained by the Palestinian people, including the many deaths, are merely "tactical," while "the losses inflicted on the enemy are strategic."[1]

To view a MEMRI TV video of his remarks, click below:

These statements evoked harsh responses from many Saudi journalists. Writing on their personal X accounts, they  condemned Mash'al for "living a life of luxury" in fancy hotels and serving  Iran and its agenda while the Palestinian people pay the price of the war with their lives. They slammed Mash'al  for soliciting financial support from the Arabs and for holding the lives of the Palestinians in contempt. Not a single Arab, they said, now trusts Hamas, for it has given itself over to the ayatollah regime in Iran and caused the Arabs to lose interest in the Palestinian cause.

It should be noted that, in response to the severe criticism, Mash'al attempted to justify his remarks. In an interview with the Al-Araby channel, he claimed that what he meant to say was that the losses were tactical at the level of the resistance, and that the losses of the resistance are connected to the people because the resistance is part of the people.[2]

The following is a sampling of the criticism leveled at Mash'al by the Saudi journalists.

For Mash'al, Thousands Of Dead Are Just "Tactical Losses"; The Palestinians Should Put Him On Trial

Saudi businessman and blogger Monther Aal Sheikh Mubarak shared Mashal's remarks on his X account and commented, "Khaled Mash'al says on video that the tens of thousands of dead and wounded, the hundreds of thousands of people displaced, the homes and mosques destroyed and the women widowed are 'tactical losses.' Imagine the residents of Gaza hearing that what happened to them is a tactical [matter]!..."[3]

Saudi media figure and influencer Abdullah Al-Tawila'i wrote in a similar vein: "[The man] is crazy!! [He says that] the losses – 50,000 martyrs, the occupation of Gaza, its devastation – are just 'tactical losses,' By Allah, the Palestinians should capture him and put him on trial. How much contempt for their lives and their blood!!!"[4]

Mash'al Lives A Life Of Luxury And Serves Iran, While The Gazans Pay The Price

Saudi journalist Abd Al-Aziz Al-Khames posted on his X account: "…Khaled Mash'al emerged from his luxury suite at the hotel and declared that the October 7 attack 'has returned Israel to point zero.'[5] Is he serious? I wonder, has Mash'al walked around the neighborhoods of Gaza and seen for himself who has truly returned to the point below zero? Has he seen the devastation everywhere or the families left without shelter? Or does he prefer to ignore the sights of the displaced [camps], the diseases and the poverty because they contradict the myth that he peddles to his public [?]…

"Is it not absurd that the one who talks about point zero lives a life of luxury that is so far removed from the reality that the people [of Gaza] are paying the price for every day? But let's be honest… When your agenda dovetails [with that of the] ayatollahs in Iran, you don't need a long-term plan, or to build a [better] future for your people. All you need is a scapegoat, a permanent enemy and a fabricated tale of bravery that corresponds to your personal aspirations. Mash'al and his ilk are not fighting for freedom or honor, but to satisfy their arrogance, their bank accounts and their masters abroad [in Iran]…"[6]

In another post Al-Khames wrote: "In his speech, and in describing what happened and is still happening as a victory after all these disasters, Khaled Mash'al is repeating what [Egyptian president] Gamal Abdel Nasser did to us after the defeat of 1967. [Nasser] was at least braver, for he tendered his resignation – although some believe it was an act – whereas [Hamas leader Yahya]  Sinwar has not apologized or made an agreement to free the hostages, and Mash'al has not apologized [either], nor has he explained the mistakes [made by Hamas] or responded to the calls to reorder the Palestinian priorities…"[7]

Mas'hal Absolves Iran Of Responsibility And Demands Money From The Arabs; May Allah Curse Him

Senior Saudi journalist Tariq Al-Homayed also referred to Mashal's attempts to solicit funds from the Arabs, wroting: "[Mash'al] thanked Iran, Hizbullah and the Houthis and declared [a Hamas] victory, and then he demanded financial support from the Arabs!"[8]

Saudi writer Jihad Al-Obaid shared pictures of Mash'al dining and exercising at a luxury hotel and remarked: "Khaled Mash'al demands that the Arab countries provide financial support for Gaza and that the peoples 'take to the streets to pressure their countries [to support the Gazans].' Take note, he thanks Iran for its support, implying that its part is done. He absolves it of responsibility and does not demand any money from it. However, he wants the [Arab] peoples to revolt and create chaos in their countries. Oh mercenary, may Allah curse you!"[9]

The Palestinian Cause Is No Longer A Top Arab Priority, After Hamas Traded In It

Saudi journalist Saleh Al-Fahid likewise condemned Mash'al for soliciting funds  from the Arabs: "Not a single Arab trusts Hamas or its leaders any longer, especially Khaled Mash'al. Their [Palestinian] cause is no longer the top priority of many Arabs after Khaled Mash'al and his associates traded in it, alienated themselves from the Arabs and threw themselves into the arms of the ayatollah regime. Mash'al's calls, delivered from his luxury villa on the shores of the Gulf, will fall on deaf ears on the Arab street."[10]

As Usual, Mash'al Incites Further Spilling Of Palestinian Blood

Mugbel Al-Saiari, the former deputy editor of the Saudi Al-Iqtisadiyya daily, posted: "This is nothing new. Khaled Mash'al's speech, which incited further spilling of Palestinian blood while brandishing fake Persian slogans and false victories, was [the result of] the pressure exerted by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards on the senior members of the militias that are still controlled by the ayatollah regime. And whoever escapes their control is doomed to be eliminated."[11]


[1], October 7, 2024.

[2], October 10, 2024.

[3], October 7, 2024.

[4], October 7, 2024.

[5] The reference is to Mash'al's remark during the speech, that the October 7 attack returned "the Zionist entity to point zero" (, October 7, 2024).

[6], October 7, 2024.

[7], October 7, 2024.

[8], October 7, 2024.

[9], October 7, 2024.

[10], October 7, 2024.

[11], October 7, 2024.

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