In video footage posted December 15, 2011 on the Internet, Sheikh Nader Tamimi, mufti of the Jordan-based Palestine Liberation Army, stated "The Americans and Zionists will end up in the garbage bin of history" and added, addressing the West: "Either you pay the jizya poll tax, or else we will bring the sword to your necks (to view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Previously, in October 2000, Sheikh Al-Tamimi stated, in a discussion on Al-Jazeera TV that "two people in a small room in the center of the U.S. can invent a biological weapon and explode it" there. He stated that he "supported" blowing up the "oppressing countries – like the U.S. and the West" and added that "all the Muslim people must attack the common enemy; America is against us all" and that the Islamic world needs "10 million bin Ladens" (to view this clip on the MEMRI Facebook page, visit
The following are excerpts from his recent address and from his 2000 discussion on Al-Jazeera:
The Internet, December 15, 2011
'Either You Pay The Jizya, Or Else We Will Bring the Sword to Your Necks'
Sheikh Al-Tamimi: "In the Levant, we are involved in a fierce battle, and we will bring about a change in Syria and in the Levant in its entirety. The infidels divided the Levant into four states, and we will reunite them into a single state. The Safavid enterprise that led to Iran occupying Iraq, along with the Americans and the Zionists, will end in the garbage bin of history. The Caliphate in the path of the Prophet will return.
"We await the caliph who will address the leaders of the U.S. and Europe and say: From the Emir of the Believers from Jerusalem…"
Crowd: "Allah Akbar."
Al-Tamimi: "To the rulers of the West, this is the religion of Allah. Either you pay the jizya poll tax, or else we will bring the sword to your necks…"
Crowd: "Allah Akbar."
Crowd member: "Say: 'Allah Akbar.'"
Crowd: "Allah Akbar."
Crowd member: "The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate."
Al-Tamimi along with crowd: "The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate. The people wants the restoration of the Caliphate."
From the MEMRI TV Archives: Al-Jazeera TV, October 20, 2000
"Two People in a Small Room In the Center of the U.S. Can Invent a Biological Weapon And Explode It In the U.S."
Sheikh Al-Tamimi: "With regard to the balance of power, they talk all the time, I want to tell you that if you want, two people in a small room in the center of the U.S. can invent a biological weapon and explode it in the U.S. as the American secretary of defense himself said, not me.
"They caught a group that wanted to blow up Washington. They found one with a [cigarette] pack, and when the Secretary of Defense spoke, he said: 'Half of this box – the cigarette pack in his pocket – could kill half of Washington.' He said that two [people] could manufacture it in a small laboratory.
"Therefore, the U.S. does not have monopoly on this weapon. Besides, nuclear (weapons) exist today in Pakistan, which is our [strategic] depth. Today, we have countries that manufacture…"
"If They Continue Oppressing, By Allah, People Will Rise Up Against Them and Blow Up Their Oppressing Countries – Like the U.S. and the West... Yes, I Support It Being Done"
Tamimi: "In other words, it is already no one's monopoly, and their countries can be blown up; if they continue oppressing, by Allah, people will rise up against them and blow up their oppressing countries – like the U.S. and the West – and therefore there is no point in saying things like we must submit and be defeated and that there is no balance of power. The purpose of such talks is for us to continue to be submissive.
"Now Israel hopes that the Intifada will stop, because it motivated the feelings of people who can die a martyr's death anywhere they may be. What is America doing? It fears for its fleets and men…"
Program host: "You mean you support attacking… That is, you said before that they will be struck in the heart of their land. Do you support such a strike?"
Al-Tamimi: "It is not me who said it. It is the American Secretary of Defense himself who said it. He said that two people could do it. I wouldn't do it. Yes, I support it being done. Yes.”
Host: "Do you support for example, striking… We heard not long ago that one of the commanders of Jihad in Yemen blew up…"
"All the Muslim People Must Attack the Common Enemy; America Is Against Us All... I Issue a Religious Ruling Now, And I Am a Mufti" The Islamic World Needs "10 Million Bin Ladens"
Al-Tamimi: "My brother, our God said, 'Kill them where you find them and take them out from where they look you out.' All the Muslim people must attack the common enemy. America is against us all. America must realize this. I issue a religious ruling now, and I am a mufti.
"I say: The clerics have decided, in consensus, that when the enemy conquers Muslim land, or takes a Muslim prisoner, the Jihad becomes a personal commandment for every Muslim man and woman, to the point where it is permitted for a woman to leave her home [to wage Jihad] without her husband's permission, and for a child without his father's permission. Everyone joins in the battle.
"Now the people of Palestine are not capable [of doing this] alone, and therefore every Muslim on the face of the earth, if he does not fight the Jihad, let us see what happens to him according to Islamic law: His fate is that he will not enter Paradise, because the text states absolutely, as Allah said, 'Do you reckon that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet caused to be known those of you who fight the Jihad.'
"Oh my brothers, from Jakarta to Tangier, listen: By Allah, if you do not wage Jihad in accordance with your abilities, you will not enter Paradise even if you fast and pray. Anyone who finds an enemy target anywhere must strike at it, he must strike at it everywhere, so that the enemy will sense that there is a nation, not just demonstrations."
Host: "That is, do you want to say, as some claim, that the Islamic world needs a million bin-Ladens?"
Al-Tamimi: "And 10 million bin Ladens…"
Host: "Ah, we need bin Ladens."
"What Did Bin Laden Do? He Said: 'I Will Strike The West... I Will Strike the Jews'... This Is A Religious Ruling, So What Is There For Me To Talk About? Anyone Capable Of Doing So Must Strike"
Al-Tamimi: "What did bin Laden do? He said: 'I will strike the West that occupies my country. I will strike at the Jews.' Has he become a terrorist?! I don't know the man, but I have heard him. He lives as that journalist from [the London daily] Al-Quds [Al-Arabi], brother Abd Al-Bari 'Atwan, said: 'I traveled to him and he lives in a cave, although he has millions and maybe a billion.' He says 'I want to fight the Jihad for the sake of Allah.' This must burst forth from the nation, and not from the (rulers) palaces and corruption.”
Host: "In brief, you are saying there must be a strike at American interests everywhere?"
Al-Tamimi: "This is a religious ruling, so what is there for me to talk about? Anyone capable of doing so must strike at the target. He must strike at it – otherwise everybody will sin."