June 3, 2010 Special Dispatch No. 5120

Somali Jihad Organization Claims Responsibility for Suicide Attack on 'Crusader' Base in Somalia To Avenge Deaths of Al-Qaeda In Iraq Commanders

June 3, 2010
Somalia, Africa | Special Dispatch No. 5120

The jihadist website Al-Falluja recently posted two communiqués by the Somali jihad group Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen on the assassinations of members of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) leadership, both dated April 27, 2010. In one communiqué, the organization expressed its condolences for the loss of Abu 'Omar Al-Baghdadi and Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir, while claiming that their deaths heralded an imminent victory for jihad. They also called for ISI combatants to stand firm, persevere in their jihad, and swear allegiance to whoever would be chosen as Al-Baghdadi's successor. Following are excerpts from the first communiqué:


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