August 1, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11483

Syrian Opposition Outlet Releases Photos Showing Iran-Backed Militias Training Syrian Children To Shoot At Mannequins Of Former U.S. President Donald Trump And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

August 1, 2024
Iran, Syria | Special Dispatch No. 11483

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A media outlet affiliated with the Syrian opposition published photos reportedly showing Iran-backed militias training children to shoot at cardboard mannequins of American and Israeli leaders.

The Qassem Soleimani Cubs

On July 30, 2024, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), published an article titled "At the Same Time as his Attempted Assassination, the Syrian Observatory Obtains Exclusive Photos Showing a Mannequin of Trump During 'Military Training' for Children by Iranian Militias."[1]

In the article, the SOHR reported that a group of children, known as "the Qassem Soleimani Cubs," received arms training with "prop guns" under the supervision of Iran-backed militia commanders at a training camp located on the outskirts of Albukamal, Syria.

According to the SOHR, the training came as part of a field trip which was organized for the children by an Iranian cultural center, and which also included "indoctrination with the ideas of the Iranian militias." The SOHR noted: "The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights condemns attempts by militias loyal to Iran to brainwash children in Deir Al-Zour through what are known as Iranian cultural centers, and it warns civilians against sending their children to them."

The article included photos, provided below, showing children aiming prop guns at cardboard mannequins of former U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A child holding an objectDescription automatically generated

A person in a suit walking in a field of tall grassDescription automatically generated

A group of people in a crowdDescription automatically generated

A person playing a musical instrumentDescription automatically generated

A person putting on a headbandDescription automatically generated

A group of people in a tentDescription automatically generated

A person in uniform standing in front of a signDescription automatically generated

A group of people standing in front of a signDescription automatically generated

A person tying a headband on a childDescription automatically generated

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