August 23, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11517

Top Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad In Interview With Pro-Palestinian NGO 'Masar Badil': Protests In West Are 'Much Appreciated,' 'Very Effective'; We Coordinate 'With All The Parties, Not Only With The Resistance Factions In The Region'; 'We Will Never Recognize Israel'; We Have Met With 'Leftist Parties'; Since October 7, 'We Were Able To Expand The Area Of Confrontation With The Enemy' And 'Move In So Many Wide Areas, Politically, Diplomatically, Media-Wise'; 'The World Is Becoming More Pro-Palestinian'

August 23, 2024
Palestinians | Special Dispatch No. 11517

On June 29, 2024, Masar Badil, aka the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, livestreamed a webinar interview with Hamas political bureau member Ghazi Hamad. The video of the webinar was posted the next day on the Masar Badil's Odysee account and embedded on its website. The interview was in Arabic with simultaneous translation in English.[1]

The embedded interview with Ghazi Hamad on the Masar Badil website.

Masar Badil, or the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, is an anti-Israel, pro- Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) NGO headed by Khaled Barakat, who is also affiliated with the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.[2] According to numerous sources, Barakat is a senior PFLP member[3]; he is barred from entering the U.S. and Germany,[4]and was also barred from entering the EU for four years starting in 2020 due to his support for terror organizations.

Barakat is married to Samidoun's international coordinator, Charlotte Kates. Kates was arrested in May 2024 following her speech at a rally in Vancouver, British Columbia in which she expressed support for Hamas, the PFLP, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Lebanese Hizbullah and demanded that they be removed from Canada's terror list.[5] She is facing a police hate speech investigation.[6] In August 2024, Kates traveled to Iran to accept the "Eighth Annual Islamic Human Rights And Human Dignity Award," presented in Tehran on August 4 by the secretary general of the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran.[7] The following day in Tehran, she gave a detailed interview to Iran's Ofogh TV, discussing her arrest.[8]

Samidoun also publishes interviews with Hamas and Houthi officials, and regularly promotes Hamas messages.[9]  

Samidoun promoted the Ghazi Hamad live interview on its X account.

The interview, titled "Al-Aqsa Flood and the Palestinian Resistance Today" was conducted in Arabic with live English audio translation. The following are the main points of the interview, based on that translation.

Khaled Al-Raheb Of Masar Badil: Countries Like America, Germany, Britain, France, And Their Agents In The Arab World Seek "To Smear The Truth Of The Palestinian Struggle And To Smear The Image Of The Resistance – And Very Specifically The Image Of Hamas"

Khaled Al-Rehab: "We welcome you all. As we always start our events, we say that we salute the martyrs of Palestine, of Yemen, of Lebanon, of all the people who are fighting against imperialism. And we say 'long live October 7, that has brought the Palestinian struggle to the top of the agenda of global politics. On the Arab scale, in the Islamic region, the place of the Palestinian struggle has regained its natural position in the fight against imperialism and occupation. [...] We also welcome Dr. Ghazi Hamad for his presence today. [...] He was responsible for many positions and many tasks. He was in charge of the official newspapers for the Islamic resistance movement Hamas. He was the official speaker for Hamas in 2006, and worked in the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Development in different times.


The interviewer, Khaled Al-Raheb, introduces Hamas official Ghazi Hamad

"We welcome everyone today in the sixth event that is organized by the Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement [Masar Badil] with the leadership of the resistance, and we thank the dear brother Dr. Ghazi Hamad for his presence with us today. Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation we decided in the Masar Badil movement to organize this series of events to be a chance for us to get to know all the positions of the resistance and to track to political developments and the developments on the ground for the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation.


"Dear comrades, you also know of the attempts of specific countries like America, Germany, Britain, France, and their agents in the Arab region to smear the truth of the Palestinian struggle and to smear the image of the resistance – and very specifically the image of Hamas. Those are all very dangerous political policies.


"Youth and student organizations that are expressing their opposition and pride in the resistance, regardless of where they are and what their ideology is. In this context, we want to point out the important and respectable position of the comrades in Samidoun and Within Our Lifetime in New York and the women's movements Al-Karama and Students for Justice in Palestine and so many other friendly powers that are carrying the voice of the Palestinian prisoners and are using their political line as their compass for their positions. Now we will listen to Dr. Ghazi."


Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: The Palestinian Struggle Began In 1917; Until October 7, Israel Had Been Living Like The Spoiled Child Of The West

Ghazi Hamad: "The seventh of October is not detached from the general struggle of the Palestinian people, that started in 1917. And of course, what happened on the seventh of October has caused so many movements and dynamics, but it is a continuation of a very long struggle for the Palestinian people. There are so many movements, parties and factions that take part. There are also people who take part with individual actions...

"Some people talk about the new stage with the seventh of October. And I would say that during the past 75 years Israel has lived on core principles of being internationally supported, being stable economically. It was a spoiled kid in the West, getting all the support...

Screenshot of the interview with Ghazi Hamad on Masar Badil's Odysee account

"So, Israel has lived according to a very specific pattern and with that it was able to build power and safety and a lot of possibilities and international support. So, they were using all of this reinforce the presence of the occupation in the region and to delete everything that is Palestinian and they started with their occupation and their expanding policies and then it reached the level of normalization with countries in the region to reinforce itself as an element of the region.

"And what happened on the seventh of October is that it turned the tables on this whole view. So, I say it is like, the seventh of October broke the glass again because the military superiority was broken in one day and the resistance was able to break through and confront the Gaza troops and showcase that they could be defeated. The Israeli military might could be defeated. So, this means that even if you are supported by the U.S. and you have all the technologies, even with all of this, you could be defeated by a group of fighters."


"The Goal Of The [October 7] Operation Was To Destroy [Israel's] Gaza Troops; The Resistance Sent 1000 Fighters, And They Were Targeting The Gaza Brigade Of The Israeli Army, And The Goal Was To Destroy This Brigade And Take Some Soldiers As Prisoners"

Ghazi Hamad: "So, the goal of the operation was to destroy the Gaza troops. The resistance sent 1,000 fighters, and they were targeting the Gaza Brigade of the Israeli army, and the goal was to destroy this brigade and to take some soldiers as prisoners. Now, people are thinking that if we knew that this would be happening in Gaza today, then we would have sent 10,000 fighters that would have reached Tel Aviv. But now, the idea that it is able to confront the enemy and defeat the enemy is an actual possibility that people understand. And this is happening with the small capabilities of Gaza and the self-manufactured weapons.


"One more point is that, the foreign perception of the occupation – they saw it [Israel] as this superior country – and the seventh of October has stripped Israel of all the masks that it was putting in front of its face. It is a country of apartheid, of genocide, of ethnic cleansing, and this is the first time that Israel is brought to the International Criminal Court. This is the first time that countries are daring to break their contact with Israel. We're talking organizations and universities; they're cutting ties with this occupation.


"But now the equation is completely flipped. The seventh of October was able to slap at the progress of the normalization of effort, and this is, of course, a very important political success. So, these first three points have brought the Palestinian struggle to the center of attention, internationally, in the universities, by the masses... Their perception of the Palestinian struggle has fundamentally changed.


"Of course, we want to stop death and destruction and war, but it's very important to even see this angle of what's happening. These crimes are causing... that the occupation is losing. So, [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu said that he will go into Gaza. He will destroy Hamas. And he will get back the hostages... the prisoners. He has failed at achieving all these goals. In every single region that they attack and then they leave, the resistance restructures itself and like repositions itself in that region again. So, it's very important to see that the occupation is failing. It's failing in Gaza; the resistance is still functioning. The leadership of the resistance is still functioning, the steadfastness of the people is still present.

"So, it [the resistance] started as one soldier. Now we have 250 prisoners, and better generals, and big officers. So, of course, again, they were able to get four [prisoners] out. But being able to hold onto these prisoners and protect them and make sure that they stay under the hand of the resistance is simply like a miracle. Because the occupation has gone through every single meter; every single meter of Gaza was being looked into."

"The World Is Becoming More And More Pro-Palestinian"; Resistance Is The Clear Option For The Palestinian People

Ghazi Hamad: "So, we see that the overall tendency in the world is becoming more and more pro-Palestinian.


"We have seen that the resistance is the clear option for the Palestinian people. The capitulations and the negotiations all have not been able to offer the Palestinian people any kind of solutions. [...]

"We are working very actively towards negotiating the positions and what's happening on the ground, but through the consultation with the different factions, we were able to really come to very specific points that we can't go back on.

"Was it on the questions of prisoners' exchange? Was it on the question of the retreat of the occupation from Gaza? Was it on the question of lifting the blockade? On all of these questions, we have very clear positions on it in the negotiation process. So, what we want is to get... Like when we had to leave, we were able to get more than 1,000 prisoners out, and now the situation is that Netanyahu and his party are trying to stick to their positions, their extreme positions, and meanwhile the internal situation in the occupation is really being against them.

"Netanyahu, what he wants, is to reach a point where he turns Gaza into what he turned the West Bank, a very controlled area. And what our experience with the negotiation process has showed us, is that if you are steadfast in the negotiation process, then the occupation steps back. So, Netanyahu knows that any that any negotiation with Hamas, any agreement with Hamas, would lose him his seat. And without an agreement with Hamas, he will not be able to get the hostages and get the prisoners out. He is faced with the dilemma of people asking for the release of their children and their siblings and he's saying, we will go into Rafah, and once we go into Rafah, then we will able to release the prisoners. And they did enter Rafah, and they didn't get anything out of it.

"What we see is that there's a fragmentation in Israeli society that we haven't seen before, and there's a clear split, an internal split, in Israeli society. There is an actual fear for the Zionist project and the Zionist entity, that [it] is actually starting to break. It is very important to note that after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, so many fronts became active. [There] was the front in Lebanon, the front in the Red Sea, the front in Iraq, the front in Iran – all these fronts became more and more active, and it has changed the geopolitical positions and the situation in the region.

"So, this earthquake that happened on the seventh of October has [had] a very big result, and the military confrontation with the enemy is about to end. They really went through every single city in Gaza. They destroyed so much of the infrastructure, but they were not able to get any kind of success. So, we see that they have a political issue. From so many Western countries, and America, and even some Arab regimes, they have the green light to destroy Hamas because these regimes don't want such powers in the region – [powers] that are able to create such an earthquake in the geopolitical situation in the region.

"So, even with an agreement with Hamas, they still have the question of who will manage Gaza afterwards? One of the options is a military rule, and even [Israeli Defense Minister Yoav] Galant has said that they are unable to maintain a military rule in Gaza because it will cost them economically. It will cost them with their lives. It will cost them like in everything.

"The second option is to have the Palestinian Authority also present in Gaza, but they didn't want the reconnection between Gaza and the West Bank in the political rule. And the third one is that they would find collaborators within Gaza to rule Gaza afterwards. And they were not able to find collaborators. What they want is to break through the resistance in the Palestinian people in Gaza, so that the resistance is not able to create another seventh of October.


"So, as you saw with Abbas and the PA, they took a very bad position. They didn't use this chance to really come together with the other Palestinian factions. What we need now, before anything, is a Palestinian leadership that represents the aspirations of the Palestinian people."


"We Have An Historic Moment To Force Ourselves Into The Equation; We Need To Change The Narrative In The International Community, To Show How This Occupation Is An Unnatural Entity In The Region"

Ghazi Hamad: "Today, we have an historic moment to force ourselves in the equation. I mean, today, Israel is drained in the West Bank, drained in Gaza, and being drained in the north of Palestine. The Palestinian people have so many strengths, and its biggest strength point is the Palestinian people, who are who are extremely steadfast in the face of this occupation.


"We must have a national leadership. There are so many typical positions and ways of thinking that we need to let go of. Having peace with Israel is not possible. There is not one Palestinian child who will accept peace with this occupation. Abbas [has] been begging for peace with occupation for decades, and again today, [there are those] who play around with the Palestinian Authority, would cut their funding, whatever. So, this attempt to make peace with this monstrous regime is not possible.


"We need to use what happened on the seventh of October. We need to change the narrative in the in the international community. We need to show how this occupation is an unnatural entity in the region. From this occupation, we haven't heard, since its founding, anything other than crimes – from invasion to annexation to genocides to massacres. Again. Now they're doing the biggest crimes in humanity, that exceed what the Nazis did. They must be finished. They must be completely isolated. They must be completely boycotted from every single sector – from universities, economically, [and] culturally – because this occupation is a complex structure that must be fought on all its fronts.

"So, today we see that after the seventh of October, the different countries are recognizing the state of Palestine. This is something that I had to discuss with a brother from Fatah – telling him how for more than 30 years, we have been trying to gain international recognition and all of that. We saw that the seventh of October has given us these this recognition, and not the negotiations."

"Released [Israeli Hostages] Testified They Were Not Beaten Or Tortured; They Were Very Well Taken Care Of; That Is How We Treat Our Prisoners... Because We have A Moral Structure And Responsibility"

Ghazi Hamad: "So, when we released [the prisoners] in the first prisoner exchange, we saw the testimonies from the prisoners, saying that they were not beaten. They were not tortured. They were very well taken care of. This is how we treat our prisoners – even if they are prisoners of the enemy.


"So, the thing that we would like to say is that we are very proud of the Christian resistance, and as Palestinians, as Arabs, as internationalists, we are very proud and happy that there is a group of many fighters that is able to build this military power out of nothing, and is able, with its power, to confront the Zionist occupation and imperialist powers. For this, you must, of course, mention the resistance in the Red Sea. What the Yemenis have done in the Red Sea is, of course, a miracle. And we salute the Iraqi resistance. In their statements, they say that [they] have fired rockets at our occupied lands. And this brings the Palestinian struggle back to like, to hit Arab roots – that this occupation is not only against the Palestinian people, but also against the Arab people. And this also includes the front in the south of Lebanon."

"We Follow Very Closely" The Protests In Sweden, Spain, France, The U.K., The U.S. – They Are "A Much Appreciated Effort, And It Was Very Effective... We Were Very Happy"; They "Created A General Pro-Palestine Opinion Globally"

Al-Raheb: "So, for us to understand more clearly, what does Hamas think of the reaction of the Palestinian diaspora and the international community? What is the opinion like of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas and the people in Gaza about what's happening in the diaspora, and also, what is your opinion about the development in the West Bank and also in the '48? And finally, how do you see the development of the internal politics in the occupation as a result of the seventh of October, [for example], how they have the so-called extremist wings that are getting more and more extreme?"

Ghazi Hamad: "So, we follow very closely what's happening in the diaspora, and we would see so many reports about the actions and events in Sweden and Spain and France and the U.K. and the U.S. And of course, this is a much appreciated effort, and it was very effective, like we were very happy, and at the same time sad, because we wish that we would see this also in the Arab streets. But we would see these big marches in the US and in Brussels and these European capitals and they were able to affect the political decision-making in these countries, there was a big effect of these movements in the European and the West, and has created a general pro-Palestine opinion globally.

"We wish that these efforts would continue, because it's very, very important for the Palestinian struggle.


"As Palestinians from Gaza and the diaspora and the West Bank, we didn't connect enough with them in '48, but we need these brothers in '48 to move, as they are able to change the equation. They are 1,700,000 people. They need to break this barrier of fear and they are afraid that they will get arrested. How would you be afraid to get arrested when your brothers in Gaza are being massacred? For me, I'm really sad that there isn't a strong movement in '48. They are supposed to feel more responsible. We also even heard some very bad statements that came out of some leadership in the '48. What I think is that every single front, must be open with occupation, and very specifically, in the West Bank and '48. The '48 is one of the most powerful fronts — that you stand with your brothers and you fight for your brothers and sisters in Gaza and West Bank. We think that the position in '48 could really change the equation."

"We Are Coordinating With All The Parties, Not Only With The Resistance Factions In The Region"

Al-Raheb: "We have an important question in the comment section... There's no doubt that the price being paid in Gaza is very big. If there were talks reach a peace... Does a peace treaty stop your project to destroy the Zionist project, and is there coordination with other resistance factions in the region?"


Ghazi Hamad: "We are coordinating with all the parties, not only with the resistance factions in the region. We tried to open a front on this occupation, from all sides. What we see in South of Lebanon, or what's happening in the Red Sea, and Iraq, and Syria. These efforts, they encourage people. They might encourage other powers to take part. I am sure that if the borders are opened, the Arab people and the Muslim people would join the struggle."

Al-Raheb: "A question [in the comments] is: 'We are reading that Hamas is losing support in Gaza, but at the same time is getting support from people in the West Bank and the diaspora. Is this actually true? And if you think that this is true, how do you think that you could regain support that you used to have in Gaza?' And the second question is, 'Is Hamas insistent on the point that Israelis and the Americans pay for the rebuilding of Gaza, since they are the cause of the destruction?'"

Hamad: "So first of all, about the reputation of Hamas. Of course, I wouldn't say that everyone supports us and everyone likes us. Of course not. There are surveys from independent organizations. They did these surveys in the West Bank and Gaza. We saw that the support for Hamas is high. Of course, the situation of the people and their living situation affects this. But even now, the surveys show, the Israelis really tried to smear Hamas and push people towards hating Hamas and all of that. They tried to get the support of some organizations, from some businessmen, and they were not able to get people to turn on Hamas. Not because people are afraid of Hamas, but because Hamas is a part of the Gazan people. It is, it is them that are the ones in the government, in the faction, and there is this very clear integration between Hamas and politics in Gaza. So, the surveys really showed at the opposite of this. The reputation like of Hamas has increased actually, even in Gaza.

"So, the rebuilding of Gaza, we are working towards having it in very concrete terms. What we need is more than $30 or $40 billion to rebuild the hospitals, the universities, the streets, the homes. We need in the agreement very clear terms when it comes to the rebuilding of Gaza. It is [the occupation's] responsibility to pay for this rebuilding. But is there a power, an international organization, that can force the occupation to really pay for the rebuilding? I think this is very difficult to implement, and we are looking into other options."


"We Will Never Accept Anything Less Than The Historical Palestine; We Do Not Believe In A Two-State Solution; We Will Never Recognize Israel"

Al-Raheb: "Now, we have other questions [in the comments]. So, inside Hamas, there are different [opinions]. There is a stream saying 'the 1967 borders,' and another stream saying, 'from the river to the sea.' It's very important to know about the clear position of Hamas and the level of acceptance of the two-state solution in the Hamas movement. So, we in Hamas, we are a very big faction. In Gaza alone we have more than 100,000 people, and this is not including people in the West Bank and outside."

Hamad: "So, of course, there are different opinions and discussions, and this is very natural. But in the end, we have a unified position. People who talk about different streams within Hamas... This is not really true. And I say this very confidently.

"Of course, there are people with different positions or differences, but there is a very clear, unified decision. We have big discussions and a democratic process within the movement that results in a clear, unified position. [Regarding] these assumptions that people outside of Palestine control the movement... People inside Palestine control the movement. People in Gaza, the leadership in Gaza, is the one that's controlling the movement. All of this is just not true, simply.


"So, I will say in brief that we will never accept anything less than the historical Palestine. We do not believe in a two-state solution. We will never recognize Israel, and [although] we might accept the creation of a Palestinian state or a Palestinian entity on the '67 borders with its capital as East Jerusalem, we would never recognize Israel.

"And [Hamas leader in Gaza] Yahya Sinwar has a very big role in this. He opened the doors for much clearer discussions with our brothers, the PFLP and the DFLP. And we organized together the Marches of Return. We are always in very strong coordination with them, all the negotiation steps and processes. We do these in constant contact and coordination with other factions. We hold fast in refusing to accept the two-state solution, refusing to recognize Israel, and holding fast to historic Palestine and to the resistance as a strategy of struggle."

"We Are Open To Everyone... Ideologically, Politically, Whatever"; "We Have Met With So Many Big Countries And Different Factions... [Including] Leftist Parties And Factions"

Al-Raheb: "So many powers see the Palestinian resistance as leading the fight against Zionism in the region and imperialism in the region, but at the same time, we don't see so much interest in the coordination and communication with revolutionary powers internationally."

Hamad: "So, I would say that we are open to everyone for those who stand with us or those who criticize with us, be it ideologically, politically, whatever. Of course, this acquisition has advanced so much that we have met with so many big countries and different factions. And we've met with leftist parties and factions, but of course, we still have a way to go with this issue. What we need is an internationalist coalition that could be a supporting front for the Palestinian struggle. Of course, we have certain restrictions when it comes to entering certain Arab countries. In some Arab countries, our leadership is still arrested. And there are even countries that are 100% against us. They close our accounts. Of course, it is a very, very sad state.


"In 2017, we declared that Hamas is a national liberation movement. We are interested in being in contact with everyone, and in close coordination with everyone who is interested. We are very willing to meet with every single person who is willing to support the Palestinian struggle, whether politically, financially, or with the media.

"The only party that we refuse to meet with is Israel. We will never meet with Israelis in any way, under any umbrella. And this was before the war, this was a decision made with the founding of the Hamas movement. For us, we would meet up and talk to any party that is interested in supporting the Palestinian struggle.

Al-Raheb: "[Question from the comments:] 'Could you tell us about the position of Hamas regarding  the PLO, the PA?' So, for us, in Masar [Badil], we consider any contact with the Palestinian Authority not really helpful to the Palestinian people, and they are actively persecuting the resistance in the West Bank. There is another question: 'What is the attitude between Hamas and the PLO and the PA after seven of October?'

Hamad: "So, we have tried to be in contact with our brothers. From 1993 until today, we have told them we are ready to join the PLO, but we need to, like, redirect the political compass of the PLO in the direction of liberation and return. This is the position of the Islamic Jihad movement (PIJ), the PFLP. And Fatah would say, 'No. If you want to join then you have to join our program of so-called peace through negotiation.' And this is a failed program. Their program is one of no resistance and only negotiations. How can we join them in this program? So, we were always very insistent on rectifying the PLO to represent the Palestinian people, but the PA has simply killed the PLO. Even now, the meetings of the executive committee of the PLO... like, no one hears of it. They destroyed the PLO, and they twisted their compass. Now the PA is the entity that is creating the PLO.

"There isn't really even any authority to this Palestinian Authority. They have no authority over their money, no authority over the economy, no authority over their borders. My personal opinion that creating this PA within the occupation is a historical mistake. We have wasted the past 30 years. This is a failed project."


"We Will Force" Our Way Into The PLO To Take It Over; "We Would Get The Weapons From Sudan And The Red Sea... Create Our Own Weapons And Our Own Drones – And We Created Our Own Snipers, Our Own Bullets, And Our Own Bombs"

Al-Raheb: "So, the question [from the comments] is: 'Do you think that Arab regimes and the international community would allow Hamas to be in the PLO?'"

Hamad: "We will force it. We would get the weapons from Sudan and the Red Sea to be able to get it into Gaza, and we would create our own weapons and our own drones. And we created our own snipers, our own bullets, and our own bombs. So, this is all created locally and manufactured locally. Of course, the international community must be and you could have their own opinions, but you could force yourself, and you could enforce yourself as a reality.

"And now [regarding] the discussion about Gaza, they are saying very clearly that they can't get Hamas out of the equation, because you are a strong player in this equation. We must get used to enforcing realities and enforcing ourselves in the critical realities. We must act with the mentality that we are a strong people that are able to enforce our will. People are saying things like, who will recognize it and who will not recognize it? Who are we looking for information? From you, from the UK, or from the US?"


Since October 7, "We Were Able To Expand The Area Of Confrontation With The Enemy... We Are In Contact With So Many Forces – Some Are Political, Some Are In The Boycott"; "We Saw In The UN How All The Countries Were Voting Against The Occupation And Their Representative"; "We Are Able To Move In So Many Wide Areas, Politically, Diplomatically, Media-Wise, Because We Speak The Truth"

Al-Raheb: "[Another question from comments] How do you see the relationship between the different high resistance factions in the region after the seventh of October?"

Hamad: "We have tried with all different parties, to move all different fronts, to activate all different fronts. Of course, with some areas, we succeeded. With others, we didn't. Of course, there are so many complications to it, but we were able to expand the area of confrontation with the enemy. There are other countries where there could be more effort or more work from the people to expel the ambassadors in these countries. The hot fronts, like southern Lebanon and the Red Sea, and the West Bank, I think, are [draining] the occupation. Not having all of these open fronts would have allowed them to put all their strength in Gaza. But it's very, very important to open all of these fronts. And this doesn't have to be all military fronts. There could be fronts of boycotting this occupation and isolating it, and even military, I mean, confronting it. We are in contact with so many forces. Some are political. Some are in the boycott, I mean, movement. We are in contact with all of these different forces. The battle in front of us is very long. We saw in the UN how all the countries were voting against the occupation and their representative."


Al-Raheb: "We have so many comments in the chat in support of the occupation, in support of the resistance, and it is very clear that the audience here is saluting the resistance and the resistance fighters in Gaza and Palestine."

Hamad: "So, regarding the international position, the discussion today is continually of Russia, China, and America. We are in contact with the Russian ambassador, specifically in Qatar. The Russians had a very positive position, specifically in the Security Council and the UN. There is contact between us, and there is some sort of coordination and coordination with them. And same goes for China. We are in contact with them. We met up with them. We visited them. Their positions is again positive. Their diplomatic maneuvers in the Security Council and the UN were in support of Palestine generally.


"We have said multiple times that America is an active partner of the occupation in the genocide against the Palestinian people. We are being killed with American weapons, American money, and American support. But in the end, the U.S. doesn't want the things to go outside of their control in the region, so they are trying to arrive at an agreement, and there has been movement in that direction. Until now, we are seeing the position of the Americans as a negative one that is against the interests of the Palestinian people."

Al-Raheb: "We hear so much about many conferences in Doha and Istanbul. What do you think of these conferences?"

Hamad: "So, I paid attention to what happened in the conference in Istanbul, and the efforts in Doha. Some people say that this person has an agenda, and this other person has an agenda. We must really get over this. Some people have their own ideas about how to support the people and struggle. Some people may talk about a need for, like, a national coalition. Some other people think of opening an international front to rebuild. Some others may say that they want to rebuild the PLO. These all serve the Palestinian struggle in their own way. This is the issue that I see in conferences. The conference would issue certain decisions, and then they meet, like, a year later with nothing of these goals being achieved. What we want from these conferences is to have a clear plan, and to really implement it on the ground. So, regarding the one-state solution, some people thought of this and really discussed it, as if it were the only solution.


"This Israeli occupation will never accept relinquishing the Zionist project and accept one state where all live in equality.


"Specifically, after October, it showed the nature of this country, and even the whole Israeli regime, that is based on killing and ethnic cleansing and extermination.


"What we are talking about is a Palestinian land where Jews can live, because this is our land that we were kicked out of, and we welcomed the Jews after World War II and after their extermination in Europe.


Al-Raheb: "So, we want to emphasize again that we have a conference October 1-7 in Madrid. We invite all people, all revolutionary forces, to join us in Madrid to see how we can activate the role of the Palestinians, in the diaspora, [and the role of] of the women – how we could activate the boycott movement more efficiently, [and] to look back at our experience over the past three years.

"When we were in Brazil last year, we were able to march with more than 7,000 people towards the European Parliament, with pictures of Mohammed Deif, of George Habash, of revolutionary leaders from different movements and different struggles, with the participation of multiple powers in Belgium and internationally. We invite you all to come join us this year in Madrid. Come join us in October, so we can say, 'Long live October 7!' And so [that] we can salute and support the Palestinian people and their struggle."

Hamad: "We thank you so much, because this is a very important element of supporting the Palestinian people and their just struggles. You have very big challenges and very big responsibilities, but I think also that it is a great honor for everyone to support the Palestinian struggle, because it represents humanity and represents even international law. So we salute you all, and we hope that we are able to make change, positive change, that is in service of humanity and against all kinds of racism and exploitation. We are able to move in so many wide areas, politically, diplomatically, media-wise, because we speak the truth. We are speaking clearly and we want nothing but the truth – saying that the Palestinian people are an occupied people. They are a people that deserve life and deserve and deserve their rights.

"We have lived under occupation for 75 years, and that is enough. The reason for the issues is the occupation. The issue is not with us, but as Palestinians, we are fighting this occupation to obtain our rights. We don't want any more than that. So I think our demands are just, and we demand them, and I hope, in this new atmosphere and this new change, that these seeds that you plant will bear fruit later on. So, I thank you all. I thank the translators, and I am ready to meet every now and then, to exchange ideas, and stay in contact, and to be in contact with you all from different political forces and struggles worldwide.

"And we have promised to be the voice of the resistance in the diaspora, and we will defend the resistance, wherever we are. We will be a voice for the prisoners, for the wounded, and for the Palestinian resistance. Thank you, everyone."


[1], June 30, 2024.

[3], April 28, 2022.

[4], March 24, 2024.

[7], August 12, 2024.

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