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Terms found: iran (documents: 32966, hits: 139246); "Death (documents: 375296, hits: 1834571); iran & "Death (documents: 1468).

Special Dispatch No. 3974 - 'Abbas: Even If We Fail in September, We Will Not Resume the Armed Struggle; Salam Fayyad Is the Best Candidate for Prime Minister - 07/06/11

In a June 20, 2011 interview with the Lebanese TV Channel LBC, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud 'Abbas said that it was his prerogative to nominate the next prime minister, and that Salam Fayyad was the right man for the job. 1 He also expressed opposition to an armed intifada, saying that even if the PA were to fail in its bid to obtain U.N. recognition of an independent Palestinian state in September, the PLO would not return to armed struggle. The following are excerpts from the ...

Special Dispatch No. 3956 - Turkish Columnist Bekdil Compares Turkish, Israeli 'Conquests,' Asks: 'Why Is Jerusalem Palestinian, If Was [First] Conquered From Its Ancient Possessors?' - 07/01/11

A Tale of Two Cities: Istanbul vs. Jerusalem (I) In a two-part column titled " A Tale of Two Cities: Istanbul vs. Jerusalem," in the Turkish daily Hurriyet Daily News, published June 2 and June 7, 2011, Burak Bekdil ponders the question of "why would something taken by force from someone else belong to its occupier?... Why is Jerusalem Palestinian, if it was first conquered from its ancient possessors?" In the first column, he "visits" Jerusalem in 1967, examines the events that led to the ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 702 - Iran's Defeat in the Bahrain Crisis: A Seminal Event in the Sunni-Shi'ite Conflict - 06/30/11

"The era when Tehran conducted a policy of megalomania, and spoke from a position of superiority, has gone, never to return." 1 – Kuwaiti MP Mubarak Al-Wa'lan Introduction The deployment of Saudi and Gulf military forces to Bahrain in mid-March 2011 to suppress the Iran-supported 2 popular Shi'ite uprising there was a seminal event in the Sunni-Shi'ite conflict, redrawing the lines between the Shi'ites and the Sunnis. Iran's defeat in this crisis has far-reaching ramifications for the reshaping ...

A. Savyon

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 698 - Al-Qaeda Military Strategist Abu Mus'ab Al-Suri's Teachings on Fourth-Generation Warfare (4GW), Individual Jihad and the Future of Al-Qaeda - 06/21/11

Table of Contents Introduction Abu Mus'ab Al-Suri – General Background Al-Suri – A Model for Followers of Al-Qaeda in the West Al-Suri's Blueprint for the Next Generation of Al-Qaeda Teaching Lessons On Jihad to Young Al-Qaeda Followers In the Classroom Abu Mus'ab Al-Suri on YouTube An Al-Qaeda Recruitment Guide Based On Al-Suri's Teachings Al-Qaeda Embraces 4GW: *Al-Suri in Issue No. 1 of Inspire – "The Schools of Jihad" *Al-Suri in Issue No. 2 of Inspire – "The Open Fronts & The Individual ...

Steven Stalinsky, Ph.D.

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 690 - A European Plot on the Arab Stage: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the Arab Media - 05/20/11

The following is a paper by MEMRI cofounder and academic advisor Professor Menahem Milson, dealing with the extensive dissemination of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the Arab world, and with the Protocols' central role in contemporary Arab antisemitism. The paper appeared in The Posen Papers in Contemporary Antisemitism , published by the Sassoon Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 1 Over the last half-century, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has been published and ...

Menahem Milson

Special Dispatch No. 3817 - Reactions in Iran to Osama Bin Laden's Assassination - 05/06/11

The announcement that U.S. forces had killed Al-Qaeda commander Osama bin Laden met with contradictory reactions in Iran. Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and Majlis National Security Committee chairman Alaeddin Boroujerdi expressed doubt over the U.S. account of events, while Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast called on the U.S. to withdraw from Afghanistan immediately, saying that since it had killed bin Laden, it had no justification for ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 687 - From the MEMRI Archives: 'The Coded Messages of Ayman Al-Zawahiri' and 'Ayman Muhammad Rabi' Al-Zawahiri' –Biography and Background - 05/04/11

The following are two reports by MEMRI senior analyst Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli, from the MEMRI archives, on Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri. The first report focuses on the information found when his computer was seized in an October 2001 raid on the Al-Qaeda offices in Kabul, which concerned, inter alia, his clandestine activity in Afghanistan; it was first published in 2005. The second report gives information on his background and his rise to prominence; it was first published in 2002. The ...

Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli

Special Dispatch No. 3808 - 'Al-Sharq Al-Awsat' Editor-In-Chief on Bin Laden's Death: 'The World Is a Better Place After the Death of a Terrorist Who Betrayed His Religion, His Family, and the World' - 05/03/11

In his May 3, 2011 column, titled "Bin Laden Killed in His House!" in the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat , editor-in-chief Tariq Alhomayed wrote: "He who tricked our sons and cast them into hell did not die on the battlefield – but in the middle of his luxurious house hiding behind his wife." He concluded, " Certainly, the world is a better place after the death of a terrorist who betrayed his religion, his family, and the world." The following is his column, in the original English: 1 " This ...
