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Aug 13, 2009
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Ahmad Khatami of the Iranian Assembly of Experts Warns against Israeli Attack: Our Shahab Missiles Will Strike at the Heart of Tel Aviv

#2229 | 04:15
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)

Following are excerpts from an address by Ahmad Khatami, member of the Iranian Assembly of Experts, which aired on Channel 1, Iranian TV on August 13, 2009.

Ahmad Khatamai: The Israeli officials have said that attacking Syria and Iran is not on their agenda. Let me tell them: Not only is it not on your agenda, but you would not be able to do it anyway. This is Iran, the land of the lion-hearts. Even Hizbullah – which is merely a resistance group, not a government – has made your life miserable. [Imagine] what the strong government of Islamic Iran can do. If you make even the slightest mistake, our Shahab missiles will strike at the heart of Tel Aviv.


Today, Hizbullah wards off evil from the Islamic governments. The motto of the Israelis is: "From the Nile to the Euphrates." They say: "Mecca belongs to us." "Al-Madina belongs to us." "Iraq belongs to us." This is their motto. If Israel becomes stronger in the region, even Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan will no longer be safe. One says to oneself: "How stupid some of these politicians are." These pitiful people – instead of condemning Israel for its recklessness, they are blaming Hizbullah, their protector from evil. They should take this test seriously. If they help Hizbullah today, not just with slogans, such as "We condemn" or "We call upon the U.N. Security Council to convene"...

We're done with the international organizations. The international organizations completely lost their efficacy a long time ago. As long as the superpowers have the right of veto in the international organizations – pinning any hope on these organizations would be amateurish and foolish. [The support they give Hizbullah] is nothing. What we would expect is for them to give Hizbullah real support – supplying it with weapons. If you [politicians] don't do so, you will be betraying the religion and yourselves. If Hizbullah is defeated, you will need a hundred times more weapons than the amount you should give Hizbullah, and moreover, you will suffer many casualties.


If there had been no Camp Davids and no Camp David agreements, if the so-called "Islamic" governments had not had normal relations with Israel, [the Israelis] would not have dared to violate [the honor], or to commit such barbaric acts. All the governments that have good relations with Israel are accomplices to these crimes. All of them with no exception. The least religious zeal requires them – in light of the crimes of this terrorist country, which nurtures terrorists – to severe their political and diplomatic relations with it.

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