In an address delivered at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on May 20, 2016, as the month of Ramadan drew near, Palestinian preacher Sheikh Ali Abu Ahmad said that he hoped that the Caliphate would be restored in the near future and called upon the armies of the Islamic nation to rally to the battle. Abu Ahmad prayed: "Oh Allah, protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews! Oh Allah, annihilate all the Jews! Oh Allah, enable us to kill them!" The address was posted on the Aqsa Call YouTube account.
Preacher Ali Abu Ahmad: "Palestine was conquered by the Emir of the Faithful, Caliph Omar, under the auspices of the Caliphate. It was liberated by Saladin under the auspices of the Caliphate. It was protected from perdition by Abdulhamid, the Sultan of the Muslims, under the auspices of the Caliphate. Palestine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque were lost when the Caliphate fell. Palestine, the pearl of the Muslim lands will be regained only with the return of the Caliphate - in the near future, Allah willing.
"Oh armies of the Islamic nation, we are about to enter the month of blessing and victories [Ramadan]. This is your hour. Oh armies of the Islamic nation, either you die while obeying Allah and for His sake, in support of your religion, of your Lord and of the free men among Muslims, or else you die because of the plots of your rulers, as is the case in Turkey, in Iraq, and in Egypt. Oh armies of the Islamic nation, this is your hour. Let Allah see you doing deeds that will please him. We ask Allah to bestow upon us the blessing of a rightly guided Caliphate soon.
"Oh Allah, bestow tranquility upon the armies of Islam and their commanders and make them support Islam and the Muslims! Oh Allah, save the Muslims. Oh Allah, protect the Al-Aqsa mosque from the filth of the Jews. Oh Allah, annihilate all the Jews! Oh Allah, enable us to kill them!"