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Oct 03, 2005
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Al-Manar TV Chief Abdallah Qasir on Anti-Americanism and Television

#885 | 01:56
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Following are remarks made by Abdallah Qasir who heads the board of directors of Al-Manar TV. Qasir was speaking in an event that was broadcast by Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) on October 3, 2005

The host:Abdullah Qasir, the question was very clear. She said that you are just as racist as George Bush when you fan the flames of anti-Western discourse.

Abdullah Qasir: There is a great difference between somebody who adopts a cause and defends it, and somebody who prevents others from defending their causes. Al-Manar TV has adopted the Palestinian cause, the Lebanese cause, and the cause of all peoples under occupation. In our opinion, they have the right to resist and to defend themselves in order to liberate their land on the basis of patriotic principles that have earned worldwide recognition. She mentioned slogans that are never heard on Al-Manar TV. The slogan: "America is absolute evil" is never heard on Al-Manar TV.

A participant:When Hizbullah representatives speak, do they reflect your position?

Abdullah Qasir: If they represent Hizbullah... We support their position...

A participant: Just for example... I recall that on March 8 they said "Death to America", "Death to Israel."

Abdullah Qasir: "Death to America" is one thing, and "America is the absolute evil" is another.

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