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Aug 17, 2024
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Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune Vows: If Egypt Opens Its Border With The Gaza Strip, We Will Send Our Army, Build Three Hospitals

#11380 | 01:47
Source: El-Bilad TV (Algeria)

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune vowed to build three hospitals in Gaza during his elections campaign. He said that the Algerian army is prepared to do this once Egypt opens its border with the Gaza Strip. Tebboune added that Palestine is not only the cause of the Palestinians but also the Algerians. His address was aired on Elbilad TV (Algeria) on August 18, 2024. Tebboune is projected to have won Algeria’s September 7 presidential elections.

Abdelmadjid Tebboune: "I swear by Allah that if [the Egyptians] help us, and open the border between Egypt and Gaza, I took a vow, and our army is ready... The moment that they open the border for us... The moment that they open the border, and allow our trucks to go in, we will build three hospitals [in Gaza], within 20 days. We will send hundreds of doctors, and help rebuild what the Zionists have destroyed.

"Like I said before, Palestine is not the cause of the Palestinians. It is our cause."

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