American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) National Chairman Dr. Hatem Bazian said at an address at the UC Santa Cruz pro-Palestine encampment that the ADL, the AJC, and AIPAC are filing lawsuits in an attempt to use anti-terrorism legislation that is part of the Patriot Act in order to get the U.S. Department of the Treasury to shut down the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization on the national level on the grounds that it materially supports or otherwise promotes terrorism. The video of the address was posted by Dr. Bazian on his YouTube channel on May 16, 2024. It is worth noting that Bazian, a professor at UC Berkley, is a co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine. Two Members of American Muslims for Palestine's board, Osama Abuirshaid and Salah Sarsour, are tied to the Holy Land Foundation, which has been investigated for funneling funds to Hamas, and five of its members are serving prison sentences for their terror-linked activity.
Hatem Bazian: "Right now you have close to 300 campuses with SJP, each are independent. Now, I say this because I don't know if you saw the hearing in Congress. We already have a number of lawsuits that are filed to say that there are some masterminds behind SJP.
"The attempt is to try to use the anti-terrorism law. And this is very important, what is being done. The anti-terrorism law say that either you engage in some form of material support – financial – or you actually are propagating, knowingly, the propaganda or messages of a designated terrorist organization. So in essence what they're trying to use is the anti-terrorism legislation that came through the Patriot Act in order to designate – in particular national SJP – as an arm [of] or as promoting terrorism, and if that happens, then to be able to shut down SJP as an organization.
"They also have given the designation to the Treasury Department, through another legislation, for the Treasury Department to shut down non-profit organizations. So that the game that pro-Israel, the ADL, AJC, and others, are playing with AIPAC, really mobilizing their efforts to try and shut down the political movement from top to bottom.
"So we need to be aware of it. Not to be scared, but to be aware, to understand that this is the game of power, because we have reached the tipping point."