In 2013, a Saudi media production company conducted a campaign titled "Black Future for Sectarianism." It posted two video-clips on the Internet decrying sectarianism. In the first, two men – a Sunni and a Shiite – are seen fighting, until finally, as they clasp the Koran together, a caption appears on the screen: "What unites us is much greater than what divides us." This video-clip was posted on the Internet on February 3, 2013.
Scene of two men fighting one another
Flash back to the same men watching television together
Titles appear on television screen:
“Oh Sunni, the Rafidite Shiites are the number one enemy of the Sunnis.”
“Oh Shiite, the Nasibi Sunnis are the number one enemy of the Shiites.”
A framed picture of the two men is destroyed.
A copy of the Koran falls off the shelf, and both men catch it simultaneously.
As the men clasp the Koran together, another title appears on the screen:
“What unites us is much greater that what divides us.”
“’Black Future of Sectarianism’ campaign.”