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Mar 10, 2017
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Herzl Rises to Power, States Goal: A Jewish State from the Nile to the Euphrates (Excerpt from Turkish TV Series "Sultan Abdülhamid")

#6038 | 03:33
Source: TRT TV (Turkey)

In the episode of the Turkish TV series "Sultan Abdülhamid" that aired on March 10, Herzl, after scheming his way to Zionist leadership, lays out his ultimate goal: establishing a Jewish state from the Nile to the Euphrates. In a Hitler-style address before a gathering of Vienna Jews, he paints the flag of the new state, adding two blue lines to symbolize the two rivers, and declares: "Soon, the whole of humanity will live as long as it serves us Jews." The series has been airing weekly on the Turkish TRT TV channel since February.

Conference MC: Shalom.


Conference attendee: Welcome, Mr. Herzl.


Conference MC: Mr. Herzl will be our keynote speaker tonight.


Conference attendees chant: Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel!


Theodor Herzl: We believe that the Jews, who have been getting killed for the last 2,000 years, will never be wiped out.




Our holy book and the prophecies tell us that the time of the Jews has come. In my book, Der Judenstaat, I discussed the lands that were promised to you. I wrote about the day our persecution would come to an end. Today, we establish the global Zionist organization, and we open the road that will lead us to Jerusalem.




Friends, I, Binjamin Ze'ev Herzl, in addition to being a journalist and a lawyer, have the honor of founding this organization. I address you as your leader.


Conference attendees chant: Herzl the leader! Herzl the leader! Herzl the leader! Herzl the leader!


Theodor Herzl: Tonight, we have founded the Jewish state, but if we said it out loud, everybody would laugh at us. In five years, or in fifty years, the whole world will know it and accept it. Do not ever doubt this. Soon, the whole of humanity will live as long as it serves us Jews, who were chosen by Jehovah.


Conference attendees chant: Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel!


Female attendee: Herzl, where is the flag of that state?


The crowd chants as Herzl paints a blue Star of David on a blank canvas


Female attendee: Where are the Nile and the Euphrates? We want the Nile and the Euphrates as well.


Conference attendees chant: Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel!


Herzl paints two stripes at either end of the Star of David


Theodor Herzl: O Israel, O descendants of the twelve sons of Israel, the Nile and the Euphrates are here, on the flag of your future. As long as everybody serves you, they will continue to exist.


Conference attendees chant: Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel! Hear, O Israel!



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