In a June 25, 2016 interview, prominent Australian Jabhat Al-Nusra jihadist Abu Suleiman Al-Muhajir discussed the importance of tweeting in English, explaining that 75% of Muslims were not Arabs and that members of world's largest jihadi factions did not speak Arabic. He said, "these courageous brothers do not speak Arabic, but they must have their share of da'wa."
According to Al-Muhajir, the jihadi focus at this stage is on Syria, but that "The issue is not only Syria. It is an issue of Islam versus infidels. This is the truth. There are people who came from all over the world to fight the Islamic nation. Thanks to Allah, the Islamic nation has united around a just issue in Syria and we must support it."
Host 1: "First of all, dear viewers, let me introduce our guest. He is a prominent leader of the brothers in Jabhat Al-Nusra. This eminent sheikh is also a jurisprudent, and is well known on the battlefields of jihad. Sheikh, before we begin the questions, let me ask: Are you Abu Sulayman Al-Muhajir ('The Immigrant') or Abu Sulayman the Australian?"
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "By Allah, I am both"
Host 1: "Both... Why are you called 'the Australian'?"
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "Because of my Australian citizenship. All my life I lived in Australia. I was raised there, although I am of Egyptian origin. I was born in Port Said in Egypt but I lived my entire life in Australia. I studied there."
Host 2: "But you were born in Egypt?"
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "Yes."
Host 2: "Sheikh, you were active in Australia in the field of Jihad... sorry, I mean the field of da'wa"
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "Yes, as well as everything I could do to support Islam. Allah be praised, I did everything I could do there in Australia - calling people to Allah in mosques in Islamic centers, especially young people."
Host 1: "Your tweets on Twitter and posts on social media are often in English. You are trying to reach the Jihadi scene outside Syria, and you want your da'wa to reach beyond the borders of Syria. What are the secrets behind these tweets?"
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "My dear brothers, my target audience is Muslims wherever they are. We are one nation. Our Lord is one, our religion is one, and our Prophet is one. The entire Islamic nation turns to Syria and yearns for victory there. Everyone is eager for news from Syria. We must provide them with some true news because if they do not get their news from us, then they will get false news from the lying media, which is prevalent I am sad to say. We call people to Allah to the best of our ability. We concentrate our efforts on the largest segment of Muslims in the world. 75% of Muslims in the world are non-Arab. The largest Muslim countries in the world - countries with a Muslim population - are non-Arab countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia..."
Host 2: "Hundreds of millions..."
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "As well as Pakistan, India, and so on. The largest Jihadi factions are non-Arab, like the Turkestanis, the Uzbeks, and the Russians. These courageous brothers do not speak Arabic, but they must have their share of da'wa."
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "When non-Arabs become Muslims, you notice that they are very steadfast and extremely religious in a way you don't often see among Arabs. They are in need of guidance. Religious devotion without guidance leads to disaster. They are armed with guns and explosives, but they do not know where to direct their weapons, so they need guidance.
"The truth is that I do not focus my efforts in the field of da'wa on Twitter. I set up a Twitter account many times, but they were closed..."
Host 1: "Yes, we all suffer from the same problem..."
Sheikh Abu Suleman Al-Muhajir: "I concentrate on my da'wa on recordings of my lessons. Our cause at this stage is Syria. Our only aim now is to support the Syrians. We want to tell the world that this is a just and legitimate cause, uniting Muslims from all over the world, just as on the other side there are infidels from all over the world. The issue is not only Syria. It is an issue of Islam versus infidels. This is the truth. There are people who came from all over the world to fight the Islamic nation. Thanks to Allah, the Islamic nation has united around a just issue in Syria and we must support it."