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Mar 07, 2025
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Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami In Tehran Friday Sermon: Iran Will Wipe The U.S. And European Powers Off The Face Of History; Turkey Has No Shame In Warning Iran Against Interfering In Syria While Its Own Interference Is Clear To The World

#11907 | 02:54
Source: IRINN TV (Iran)

In his March 7, 2025 Friday sermon in Tehran, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, a member of the Guardian Council and the Assembly of Experts, addressed Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, accusing him of insulting Iran by calling for it to stop its regional policy. He remarked that the whole world now sees how Turkey interferes in Syria and asked whether Turkey has no shame in telling Iran not to interfere in Syria while it is interfering? Khatami also warned the U.S., England, Germany, and France that if they do not stop their threats against Iran and its nuclear program, Iran would wipe them off the face of history. The worshippers responded with chants of "Death to America! Death to England!" The sermon was aired on IRINN TV (Iran).

Ahmad Khatami: "America and the European troika of Germany, France, and England threatened Iran and said that the [IAEA's] Board of Governors would have to act. Why do you repeat these hackneyed statements? You have had the audacity to do such things for the past 45 years, which have gained you nothing, and will not benefit you from now on either. We are telling you very clearly, the [Iranian] people are telling you that if you do not stop your threats, the great Iranian people – through its resistance – will wipe you off the face of history and politics."

Crowd: "Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Khamenei is the Leader! Death to those who oppose the Rule of the Jurisprudent! Death to America! Death to England! Death to the hypocrites and infidels! Death to Israel!"

Khatami: "My next point deals with the inappropriate remarks by the Turkish foreign minister, who insulted Iran and said that Iran should halt its regional policy.


"This statement of yours is the opposite of good neighborliness. Turkish statesmen need to know for sure that such statements will be to their absolute detriment.


"The whole world now sees how you interfere in Syria. You are sending forces to fight there. Have you no shame to tell Iran not to interfere, when you yourselves interfere? This measure is 100% wrong."

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