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Feb 06, 2005
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Ayatollah Khomeini's Grandson, Hasan Khomeini: Bush Administration the Worst Terorrist Government Worldwide, but Will Not Attack Iran

#527 | 39
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

The following are excerpts from an interview with Hasan Khomeini, the grandson of the leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini. Al-Jazeera TV aired this interview with Arabic voiceover on February 6, 2005:

Hasan Khomeini: Naturally, any confrontation [with Iran] would entail a heavy price. But I am convinced that Israel will not carry out such a stupid action, because it knows very well that Iran would respond harshly. Our country's leaders do not hesitate to respond forcefully to Israel. In addition, I don't believe the American administration, which finds itself in difficult circumstances in Iraq, will allow itself to carry out such a stupid action either.

I believe that Mr. Bush's administration is the worst terrorist government in the world.

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