Ahmad Karima, a professor of Islamic Law at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, said in a February 7, 2022 interview on Channel 1 (Egypt) that Islam permits beating one's wife as a "method" of discipline, it is not a religious duty. He also explained that it is only appropriate to beat a rebellious wife who "oversteps the boundaries set by Allah," and not for minor mistakes.
Ahmad Karima: "There are specific cases. Instead of calling it wife-beating, we can call it a way of disciplining our wives. There is a difference between a wife who makes a minor mistake and a woman who rebels against her husband. This discipline method is suitable for a rebellious wife, who oversteps boundaries set by Allah.
"This is the meaning of Allah’s words in Surat Al-Nida: 'As for the women of whom you fear disobedience, admonish them, forsake them in bed and beat them. Then if they obey you, do not seek ways to harm them.'
"While discussing this verse, the jurisprudents did not interpret that admonishing wives, forsaking them in bed, and beating them without causing harm is a necessary religious duty. No, yet it is permitted. We must draw a distinction here: It is neither a mandatory duty nor a recommended action. However, the jurisprudents determined that this is permitted. It is permitted to do this or not to do this."