Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon in Benghazi, Libya, which aired on Libya Al-Hurra TV on September 14, 2012.
Preacher: Oh nation of Islam, I was so overwhelmed with grief that I could not express it. How could I possibly depict the tragedy that had happened? We remained quiet when they butchered the elderly. We remained quiet when they slaughtered the children. We were restrained when they violated the honor of women. All that is left is the mocking of our Prophet. No, a thousand times no.
Oh nation of Islam, who will come to the aid of the Messenger of Allah? Who will come to the aid of Muhammad, who sacrificed everything he had in order to deliver us this religion?
Oh, how he suffered for our sake! Oh, how often his honorable face was spat upon for our sake! Oh, how many times he was banished from his land for our sake! After all this, how can we not boycott anyone who attacks our beloved Prophet?
Indeed, oh Muslims, the time has come for us to adopt a firm stance, and to detonate our wrath upon them, with deeds they will not be able to ignore. Let us stab them in their main artery, the secret behind their power. Let us stab them in their economy. The Prophet Muhammad said: "Wage Jihad against the polytheists, using your wealth, your hands, and you tongues."
Oh Allah, destroy the rancorous Christians. Oh Allah, destroy the rancorous Christians and the corrupting Jews. Oh Allah, destroy them for they cannot withstand you.