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Aug 16, 2024
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Brooklyn Friday Sermon By Imam Muhammad Al-Barr: Oh Allah, Annihilate The Occupiers Of Palestine; The Mujahideen In Gaza Are Achieving More Than Entire Arab Armies Could In 1967 And 1973; We Ask Allah To Guide Their Shooting And Accept Their Martyrs

#11339 | 02:28
Source: Online Platforms - "The Islamic Society of Bay Ridge – Masjid Mus’ab Bin Umayr on Facebook"

In a Brooklyn Friday sermon by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Barr at the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge – Masjid Mus'ab Bin Umayr on August 16, 2024, he prayed to Allah to liberate Palestine from "the occupiers" and annihilate them. He asked Allah to grant victory to the mujahideen in Palestine and guide their shooting. The sermon was streamed live on the Facebook page of the Islamic Society of Bay Ridge – Masjid Mus'ab Bin Umayr.

Muhammad Al-Barr: "Oh Allah, we ask you to liberate Palestine from the occupiers and the plunderers. Oh Allah, grant victory to our mujahideen brothers in Palestine. Oh Allah, grant victory to all of them, and do not grant anyone victory over them. Oh Allah, lift the enemy's hands from them. Oh Allah, protect their honor and their life. Oh Allah, annihilate those who occupied their lands, and those who betrayed and deserted them, and those who spilled their blood. Annihilate all of them and show us Your fierce punishment upon them.


"In 1967, enormous Arab armies were not able to stand in the face of the Israeli aggression for more than six days. Our armies were destroyed and our lands were occupied in a matter of six days. The [Arab] armies raised the white flags and retreated from the battlefield. They declared their defeat, and they took pride in this for the whole world to see. This took place in 1967.

"In 1973, the armies of Egypt and Syria together were not able to keep standing in the face of the aggression for more than three months. Then disengagement and ceasefire agreements were signed, and so on. And we are talking about armies with many soldiers, armed to the teeth.

"So what should we say about men who do not have even one percent of what these armies have, and despite this, they are still holding out, steadfast, after 316 days? 316 days! We ask Allah to make them strong and guide their shooting. We ask Allah to accept their martyrs.

"Enormous armies have not been able to hold out steadfastly, and their commanders declared defeat after defeat, while these people receive no support save that of Allah. We ask Allah to reward all this effort and sacrifice with a great victory for them and for all the Muslims."

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