British political analyst Mohsin Abbas and American analyst Scott Bennett warned Gaza health authorities against distributing the polio vaccine on a September 4, 2024 show that aired on Iran's English-language state TV channel Press TV. Abbas said that the vaccines are part of the "global WHO agenda," and he asked how come vaccines are allowed into the Gaza strip while food is not. He said that local authorities should be very suspicious of the vaccine, positing that they might be biological warfare and another means of genocide. Bennett echoed Abbas's statements and added that this might be part of a plot to annihilate the Palestinians by the "atheistic Talmudist demoniac Zionists." He added: "We know what their agenda is."
Mohsin Abbas: "There is a freedom of polio vaccines, for instance, and I'm not going to speculate too deeply, but the reality is how is that these polio vaccines, which are part of the global WHO agenda and whatever else, they're allowed to get through but they're not allowing other basic food, etc. to go through.
"There's something very suspicious there and the notion of biological warfare isn't too far-fetched with the kind of genocidal crazies that you've got in here.
"I would urge the authorities in Palestine to be careful while these distractions of ceasefire are going on. Don't let these people come in and start injecting your children with polio and other vaccines, which you don't know what on earth they put inside there and whether it's another way of ethnic cleansing and genociding the Palestinians."
Scott Bennett: "Anywhere the U.S. rears its head, death, misery, and destruction follows. And he's exactly right to have suspicion towards any vaccination items or agenda that seems to suspiciously squeeze through the security protocol but yet food and water and basic bandages and medicine and painkillers cannot.
"I would be very, very suspicious that this is not a biological warfare, a wolf in sheep's clothing. We know Netanyahu and his Zionist lunatic regime have had an agenda of creating biological epidemics and catastrophes in Gaza as an accelerator of war, as a weapon of war.
"And it is a biological warfare tactic and they have declared in the past their agenda is to annihilate every man, woman, and child in Gaza, to genocide them, to purge or destroy the seed of Amalek in a twisted, perverted corruption of biblical history from these atheistic Talmudist demoniac Zionists like Netanyahu and his cabinet in Israel. We know what their agenda is. We know because they said it with their own words.
"So, really, we're witnessing a catastrophe beyond anything time has ever recorded before. It is absolutely necessary for the international community and the world to act because the United States will never act. It is a puppet. It is controlled by Netanyahu. Biden is a demented old man who can't remember his name. Kamala Harris is a cackling lunatic who doesn't know what planet she's on. And, sadly, Donald Trump has had too many Zionists around him to really understand the situations."