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Jan 04, 2023
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British Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson Mocks Holocaust Survivors On Iranian TV: They Say That Green Smoke Came Off Hungarian Jews And Red Smoke Off Czech Jews, But The Holocaust Is A Myth; There Are Some Good Jews, But Not Many

#10050 | 05:53
Source: Channel 4 (Iran)

On January 4 and January 8, 2023, Channel 4 (Iran) aired an interview with British Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson. Williamson said that the Jews control the media, that they "twist" people's minds, and that they have cleverly taken control of universities and the media. He also said that the Holocaust was a "myth", that the Jews have replaced "objective" history with their "emotional scenario" about the Holocaust, and that only around 100,000 Jews were actually killed.

Mocking Holocaust survivors, Bishop Williamson said: "I was there and I saw it, when the Hungarian [Jews] were being burned it was green smoke and when the Czechs were being burned it was red smoke." In addition, he said that the Jews created the Freemasons so that gentiles bring "Jewish corruption" into Christian society, and he claimed that the Jews have "infiltrated" the U.S. government and were behind 9/11, the war in Ukraine, and the JFK assassination. Bishop Williamson has been convicted of Holocaust denial in Germany and was excommunicated by the Catholic Church in 2009, he was reinstated by the Church in 2009, and excommunicated once again in 2015.

Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson: "It is absolutely instinctive within them to hate Jesus Christ. And therefore, what they did in the early 1700's was to create freemasonry, which was an organization whereby gentiles would carry Jewish corruption into Christian society.


"They have enough talent to take over a country if that country will allow them. They've been kicked out of many, many countries for that reason.


"The Jews are given power by the Devil. Almighty God allows them to do what they do, but it is the Devil who shows them how to take power and government control.


"The Ukraine-Russia war is a proxy war being fought in Ukraine to the last Ukrainian by Americans wishing to fight and defeat Russia and get Russia out of the way of their drive for world [unintelligible].


"The Jews are behind the drive of this war. For instance, 80%, four out of five cabinet members of Joe Biden's cabinet, governing the United States, four out of five are Jews.


"The war in Ukraine is really Jewish, godless America against Russia, holy Russia.


"The Jews always [unintelligible] so they control the media by the stupidity of the gentiles. The gentiles have allowed the media to fall all into the hands of the Jews. And the Jews use the media to control peoples' minds, and by controlling peoples' minds they control the world. And if you start criticizing them in public you are castigated as an antisemite, dismissed, and even assassinated if you really get in their way. They play hard ball, they do not play soft ball as the British would say, and if necessary, in extreme circumstances, they will kill you for getting in their way. They would undoubtedly love to kill me too.


"There are always exceptions to the rule, and there are exceptionally good Jews. There have always been exceptional Catholics of Jewish race. Jewish by race, but Catholics by belief. Indeed, there are good Jews, but there aren't many.


"They're responsible for the accusation of racism. They are themselves the most powerful racists on the face of the earth.


"They are masterly twisters of minds, twisters of truth. They learn it from the Devil, and the Devil is their very willing teacher."

Interviewer: "So I want to move on to cover a couple of other general areas that involve the Jews in the leading role. The first one being 9/11."


Williamson: "Like the Kennedy assassination, a lot of Americans were involved. It was both an inside job, inside the American government, and the Mossad. Because the Jews control the American government from inside. They've infiltrated all branches of American government.


"The myth of the Holocaust — it is a myth — the reality... Instead of six million Jews dying, I guess, as a deliberate policy under the Third Reich... the historical truth is that about 100,000, the records of the Red Cross, for instance... It's a little over 100,000 who are recorded to have died, I think, in the concentration camps of the Third Reich.


"And if you say: 'No, it wasn't six million that died, that's a myth'... [they say:] 'You are causing extra grief to the poor souls, the lost relatives...' It's pure emotion. 'They were all Jewish and they all died... I was there, I saw it, when the Hungarians were being burned, it was green smoke, when the Czechs were being burned it was red smoke...' It's just emotion.


"And the Jews are clever, and they are determined, and they are resolute, and they are talented, and they take over the professorships in universities, they take over as editors of the newspapers, they take over as programmers of television, and they are all united in their emotional truth. And you try telling them it is not a historical truth, and they lose their cool.

"It goes much further than that. The Jews have succeeded in replacing historical truth, the reality of history, the objective realities of history. They have succeeded in replacing it with their emotional scenario. And by their emotional scenario, they are masters of the world, they deserve to be more than masters of the world — they already are."

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