British Islamic scholar Sheikh Asrar Rashid said in a sermon that Israel should be reestablished in Germany because Germany was responsible for the Holocaust. "Why is Israel today the only country that is in the Middle East geographically, yet they take part in the Europe song contest?" he asked, in a sermon delivered at the Banbury Madni Masjid and posted on the AhleSunnaTV YouTube channel on December 9, 2017. In another sermon, delivered at the Ghamkol Sharif Masjid in Birmingham and posted on his YouTube channel on December 25, Sheikh Rashid said that despite the declaration made by "an imbecile like Trump," the Caliphate will ultimately be established in Jerusalem. Over a million Muslims are ready to "cross the border and enter into Jerusalem," he said, and "no one will be able to stop them.”
Imam Asrar Rashid: "Why would a country like Germany accept with open arms Syrian immigrants? This is only done in order that Syria is emptied of Syrians. Germany is really the country that should have been carved up, and Israel should have been formed in Germany, because Germany was responsible for the Holocaust, Germany was responsible for the killing of Jews, and therefore Israel should have been established in Europe. Otherwise why is Israel today the only country that is in the Middle East geographically, but yet they take part in the Europe song contest? You have a Euro song contest, and Israel takes part in the Euro song contest. So Israel is a country that should be reestablished in Germany, because Germany was responsible for the killing of those Jews – not the Muslim world, not the Palestinians.
"If Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, who insulted the Prophet Muhammed... If they were killed by an individual, why does the entire Muslim community have to make an apology?
"Why are some of the Islamic scholars quick to apologize, when the scholars of Islam are not responsible? Islam is not responsible because Muslims did not make Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda was made by the CIA. To this day we have not seen, we have not witnessed, George Bush apologize for the making of the CIA [sic] to the American public. The planes went in [on 9/11], according to the mainstream narrative, by Al-Qaeda terrorists. Those Al-Qaeda terrorists were made by the CIA, by the Americans themselves.
"The While House is the direct cause of ISIS today, because they made those orphans recruits for groups like ISIS. So do not destabilize Muslim countries, and then lash the backs of the Muslims, accusing them of terrorism.
"The announcement of an imbecile like Trump does not affect the reality that in the future, Allah will establish the Caliphate in Jerusalem. That does not change because that will occur. So, [it will happen] against your will, Donald Trump, against your will, Donald Trump, against your will, Donald Trump. Meaning: This statement will fall on his nose. How will this happen? We know that this will happen because the Messenger of Allah foretold that the black banners that shall arise shall place those banners in Jerusalem, and this is why when the Mossad-influenced groups appeared with black banners [ISIS], we said that these cannot be the Caliphate unless they place those banners in Jerusalem. Those banners were not placed in Jerusalem. Instead, they killed Muslims.
"You can torture, you can waterboard, you can imprison, you can make places like Guantanamo Bay, you can do all of this, but you will never kill an idea. That idea is that if only a million Muslims marched onto Palestine today, no one will be able to stop them."
Audience Member: "Say: 'Allah Akbar'!"
Audience: "Allah Akbar!"
Imam Asrar Rashid: "This idea can spread into Pakistan, and we know there are millions of people ready in Pakistan alone. A nation like Pakistan... There are people in Afghanistan ready. There are people in Iraq who are ready. There are people in Iran who are ready. There are people in Turkey who are ready. There are people in Arabia who are ready. There are people in Egypt who are ready. And their numbers shall exceed one million. If those one million cross the border and enter into Jerusalem, no one will be able to stop them."
Imam Asrar Rashid: "May Allah give strength to the people of Palestine."
Audience: "Amen."
Imam Asrar Rashid: "May Allah have mercy upon Sheikh Yassin."
Audience: "Amen."
Imam Asrar Rashid: "May Allah have mercy upon Sheikh Yassin."
Audience: "Amen."
Imam Asrar Rashid: "And upon all the Martyrs."
Audience: "Amen."
Imam Asrar Rashid: "May Allah have mercy upon the children of Palestine."
Audience: "Amen."
Imam Asrar Rashid: "May Allah have mercy upon the youth that throws stones."