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Jan 10, 2025
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California Imam Marc Manley On Los Angeles Fires: Allah Has Shown The Zionists Who Celebrated The Destruction In Gaza That He Will Exact Revenge Upon Them For Their Evil; This Is Foreshadowing What Is Waiting For Them On The Day Of Judgement

#11750 | 02:00
Source: Online Platforms - "Middle Ground Muslim Center on YouTube"

In his January 10, 2025 Friday sermon at the Middle Ground Muslim Center, California imam Marc Manley suggested that the Los Angeles fires were divine judgment from Allah on people who supported the destruction in Gaza. He said that the images of destruction from the Los Angeles fires is the same as in Gaza and that Allah has shown some of the Zionists who were celebrating the destruction in Gaza that He will exact revenge upon those who support oppression and evil. Manley stated that for James Woods, and "all those horrible people" this is Allah's message, a "foreshadowing of what it's going to be like on the Day of Judgement."

Marc Manley: "For the past year we were treated, so to speak, to the imagery of Gaza, of Palestine, and other areas of people suffering. And we saw the drone footage of entire cities completely leveled.

"And then Allah showed us that footage again, as those same drones and the same cameras flew over neighborhoods not too distant from us here. And some of the same Zionists that were celebrating, the 'show no mercy' and 'to leave nothing standing,' Allah showed them as well, in Allah azizun – that Allah is powerful. And he will exact a revenge upon those who support oppression and evil. He will exact a penance upon those that support all kinds of evil.


"This is a sign of Allah's justice. He's giving us a foreshadowing of what it will be like on the Day of Judgement.


"So I can look at this and I can see James Woods and these other horrible people saying 'don't leave anybody alive,' weeping and crying on the television. And I can feel a sense of praise to Allah, has sent him a message and has sent the rest of those cowards a message that this is the fate that is waiting for you. Did you think you would be able to rain down terror on the land of Allah and that you would not face some consequence?"

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