Canadian imam Sheikh Younus Kahtrada said in a Friday, December 30, 2022 sermon at Muslim Youth Victoria in Victoria, B.C. that non-Muslims – including Christians, Jews, and atheists – are the enemies of Allah, and are therefore the enemies of the Muslim. He said: "I want our children to understand this well." He also said: "Oh Allah, give strength to Islam and the Muslims, humiliate the infidels and the polytheists, destroy the enemies of [our] religion, and annihilate the heretics and the atheists!"
Younus Kahtrada: "They accuse Islam with these false accusations, because they are the enemies of Allah. How is it that they are not the enemies of Allah when they insult Allah? What does Allah say in the Quran about Himself? 'He begets not, nor is He begotten.' He doesn't have children, and He is not the child of anyone. But what do [the Christians] say? They say that Allah has a son. Is this not showing enmity towards Allah?
"How are they not the enemies of Allah, when they accuse Allah of being tight-fisted, of being stingy, of not being generous. You know when [the Jews] said that, Allah responded to them by saying: 'May their hands be shackled.' May they be tight-fisted, may their hands be tied. And Allah tells us that they are cursed because of what they say. So what, they are the friends of Allah and that's why Allah curses them? No! he only curses them because they are the enemies of Allah. Understand this well. Make sure this is clear in your mind. You think that they are your friends? No. They are the enemies of Allah. So if they are the enemies of Allah, how are they your close friends? I want our children to understand this well: The non-Muslims are the enemies of Allah, therefore they are your enemies.
"Some of them don't even believe that Allah exists. You want somebody like that to be a close friend of yours?
"Oh Allah, give strength to Islam and the Muslims, humiliate the infidels and the polytheists, destroy the enemies of [our] religion, annihilate the heretics and the atheists!"