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Jul 05, 2024
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Canadian Imam Riad Ourzazi In Ontario Friday Sermon: Islam Will Reach Four Corners Of The Earth; The Jews Are Mocking And Planning; They Killed Their Own Prophets, What Do You Expect From Such A Nation? They Will Be Kicked Out Of Palestine

#11262 | 01:42
Source: Online Platforms - "Al-Falah Centre on YouTube"

Canadian Imam Riad Ourzazi said in a July 5, 2024 Friday sermon at Al-Falah Islamic Centre in Oakville, Ontario that Islam will reach the ”four corners of the world.” He said that the Jews entered Palestine through the Balfour Declaration and they leave it with “the promise of Allah.” Ourzazi continued to say that Jews killed their own prophets, and in fact, the majority of 124,000 prophets were sent to them. Regarding Gaza, he asked: “What do you expect from a nation that killed its own prophets?” The sermon was streamed live on the YouTube channel of Al-Falah Centre.

Riad Ourzazi: "The Prophet said that this matter of Islam will reach the four corners of the world, there will not be one single house left in the entire world that has not heard of something called Islam. There is no god but Allah. Islam will reach the four corners of the world. They are mocking and planning…

"Yes, [the Jews] entered Palestine through the Balfour Declaration and they will leave it by Allah's promise. They came to Palestine with the treaty of Balfour, and they will come out of it with another treaty, with the promise of Allah. They will be kicked out from it. Who promised [this]? Allah. Allah the Just, Allah the Judge. Yes, let's pause, then why this killing of these innocent people?


"Allah keeps giving [them] chances, what do you expect? What do you expect from a nation who killed their own prophets? This is the only nation who killed the majority of its prophets. 124,000 prophets, 99.999% were sent to them. What did they do? They killed them. They disbelieved in them. What do you expect from such a nation?"

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