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Aug 05, 2005
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Captured Iraqi Terrorist: We Watched Two People Being Murdered in a Slaughtering Lesson

#819 | 01:57
Source: Al-Fayhaa TV (Iraq)

Following are excerpts from an interrogation of a captured Iraqi terrorist, which was aired on Al-Fayhaa TV on August 5, 2005.

Interrogator: Tell me what Qassam told you, and how you slaughtered them one by one.

Terrorist: He told us: "I'll teach you how to do it, so you will have the courage to slaughter, and if you catch one of them, you will have the courage to slaughter him." Sir, the truth is that we were very hesitant.

Interrogator: You were hesitant the first time?

Terrorist: Yes sir, we were afraid to slaughter people. He pressured us, but we told him we could not slaughter, so two of his men did the slaughtering.

Interrogator: Which men?

Terrorist: I don't know them, sir.

Interrogator: You said one of them was called Khaled.

Terrorist: Yes, sir, Khaled and...

Another terrorist, called Khalil:...Sa'don.

Interrogator: One was called Sa'don and the other Khaled?

Terrorist: Khalil said so, sir, not me.

Interrogator: OK. Who slaughtered the first, and how was he slaughtered?

Terrorist: One of them, sir. He tied his legs.

Interrogator: Khalil, who was slaughtered first?

Khalil: Sa'don was slaughtered first, sir.

Interrogator: What was he wearing?

Khalil: Robes.

Interrogator: OK.

Terrorist: Yes, sir. He slaughtered him with a knife.


Interrogator: Did your Emir slaughter the first one in front of you?

Terrorist: Yes, sir.

Interrogator: What had the slaughtered man done?

Terrorist: (The Emir) didn't say, sir. He only said "We brought them in order to teach you."


Interrogator: He slaughtered in front of you so you would learn how to slaughter and become butchers?

Terrorist: Yes, sir.

Interrogator: To hell with him.

Terrorist: Yes, sir.

Interrogator: Go on, so he slaughtered him?

Terrorist: Yes, he slaughtered him and brought the second.

Interrogator: Did he slaughter him? Did he cut his head off?

Terrorist: Yes, sir.

Interrogator: What did he do with the head?

Terrorist: He threw it aside.

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